Lessons from Pownce - The Early Years
Monday, October 8, 2007 at 10:35AM
Todd Hoff in Django, Example, Memcached, Python, S3
Pownce is a new social messaging application competing micromessage to micromessage with the likes of Twitter and Jaiku. Still in closed beta, Pownce has generously shared some of what they've learned so far. Like going to a barrel tasting of a young wine and then tasting the same wine after some aging, I think what will be really interesting is to follow Pownce and compare the Pownce of today with the Pownce of tomorrow, after a few years spent in the barrel. What lessons lie in wait for Pownce as they grow?
Site: http://www.pownce.com
Information Sources
Pownce Lessons Learned - FOWA 2007
Scoble on Twitter vs Pownce
Founder Leah Culver's Blog
The Platform
Django for the website framework
Amazon's S3 for file storage.
Adobe AIR (Adobe Integrated Runtime) for desktop application
Available on Facebook
Timeplot for charts and graphs.
The Stats
Developed in 4 months and went to an invite-only launch in June.
Began as Leah's hobby project and then it snowballed into a real horse with the addition of Digg's Daniel Burka and Kevin Rose.
Small 4 person team with one website developer.
Self funded.
One MySQL database.
Features include:
- Short messaging, invites for events, links, file sharing (you can attach mp3s to messages, for example).
- You can limit usage to a specific subset of friends and friends can be grouped in sets. So you can send your mp3 to a specific group of friends.
- It does not have an SMS gateway, IM gateway, or an API.
The Architecture
Chose Django because it had an active community, good documentation, good readability, it is open to growth, and auto generated administration.
Chose S3 because it minimized maintenance and was inexpensive. It has been reliable for them.
Chose AIR because it had a lot of good buzz, ease of development, creates a nice UI, and is cross platform.
Database has been the main bottleneck. Attack and fix slow queries.
Static pages, objects, and lists are cached using memcached.
Queuing is used to defer more complex work, like sending notes, until later.
Use pagination and a good UI to limit the amount of work performed.
Good indexing helped improve the performance for friend searching.
In a social site:
- Make it easy to create and destroy relationships.
- Friend relationships are the most important information to display correctly because people really care about it.
- Friends in the online world have real-world effects.
Features are "biased" for scalability
- You must get an invite from someone on already on Pownce.
- Invites are limited to their data center's ability to keep up with the added load. Blindly uploading address books can bring on new users exponentially. Limiting that unnatural growth is a good idea.
Their feature set will expand but they aren't ready to commit to an API yet.
Revenue model: ads between posts.
Lessons Learned
The four big lessons they've experienced so far are:
- Think about technology choices.
- Do a lot with a little.
- Be kind to your database.
- Expect anything.
Have a small dedicated team where people handle multiple jobs.
Use open source. There's lots of it, it's free, and there's a lot of good help.
Use your resources. Learn from website doc, use IRC, network, participate in communities and knowledge exchange.
Shed work off the database by making sure that complex features are really needed before implementing them.
Cultivate a prepared mind. Expect the unexpected and respond quickly to the inevitable problems.
Use version control and make backups.
Maintain a lot of performance related stats.
Don't promise users a deadline because you just might not make it.
Commune with your community. I especially like this one and I wish it was done more often. I hope this attitude can survive growth.
- Let them know what you are working on and about new features and bug fixes.
- Respond personally to individual bug creators.
Take a look at your framework's automatically generated queries. They might suck.
A sexy UI and a good buzz marketing campaign can get you a lot of users.
Related Articles
Scaling Twitter: Making Twitter 10000 Percent Faster.
Article originally appeared on (http://highscalability.com/).
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