Lessons from Yahoo, eBay, Orbitz, LinkedIn architecture
Thursday, November 15, 2007 at 5:14AM
HighScalability Team in General Discussion, LAMP, Performance, Qcon, Scalability, Spring, hibernate
In The Arch
itectures You've A
lways Wondered About track at the Qcon conference, Second L
ife, eBay, Yahoo, L
inkedIn and Orb
itz presented how they dea
lt w
ith d
ifferent aspects of their appl
ions, such as scalab
ity. There were qu
ite a few lessons that I learned that day that I thought were worth shar
The details are prov
ided below:
Lessons from Yahoo, eBay, Orbitz, LinkedIn architecture
Article originally appeared on (http://highscalability.com/).
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