Paper: Container-based Operating System Virtualization: A Scalable, High-performance Alternative to Hypervisors
Friday, November 9, 2007 at 3:10AM
Todd Hoff in Paper, Virtualization

One stumbling block of the the great march towards virtualization is the relatively poor performance of resource hungry applications like databases. We are told to develop and test using VMs, but deploy without them. Which kind of sucks IMHO. Maybe better virtualization technology can remove this split. This paper talks about a different approach to virtualization called "container-based" virtualization that can reportedly double the performance of traditional hypervisor systems like Xen. It does this by trading isolation for efficiency. Rather than maintaining complete isolation between VMs the container approach shares resources between VMs and thus gives higher performance while still guaranteeing strong fault, resource, and security isolation. It's yet another battle in computing's endless war of creating and destroying abstraction layers. I learned a lot from from this paper because of how it compared and contrasted traditional hypervisor and container based virtualization strategies. Good job.

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