Hi, I am
interested in some exper
ienced adv
ice for choosing switches for a colocated 2-t
ier arch
itecture. I have the hardware chosen for the webservers, app servers, and db servers, but need some adv
ice on the network sw
itch in between:
colocation port -> firewa
ll(load balancer) -> 2+ web servers (app servers) -> gigabit sw
itch -> DB server(possib
ly cluster for future expansion)
the quest
ion is that I am just starting out, i wonder which rackmount g
igabit sw
itch to select for the private LAN between the app server -> DB servers. Do I need managed for that? Cisco switches are the best, but they are the most expensive...I am looking at poss
ibly using Dell/Netgear gigab
it switches.
Thanks for any input
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