Sync data on all servers
Tuesday, September 18, 2007 at 1:19AM
Todd Hoff in General Discussion, distributed file system, sync
I have a few apache servers ( arround 11 atm ) serving a small amount of data ( arround 44 gigs right now ).
For some time I have been using rsync to keep all the content equal on all servers, but the amount of data has been growing, and rsync takes a few too much time to "compare" all data from source to destination, and create a lot of I/O.
I have been taking a look at MogileFS, it seems a good and reliable option, but as the fuse module is not finished, we should have to rewrite all our apps, and its not an option atm.
Any ideas?
I just want a "real time, non resource-hungry" solution alternative for rsync. If I get more features on the way, then they are welcome :)
Why I prefer to use a Distributed File System instead of using NAS + NFS?
- I need 2 NAS, if I dont want a point of failure, and NAS hard is expensive.
- Non-shared hardware, all server has their own local disks.
- As files are replicated, I can save a lot of money, RAID is not a MUST.
Thnx in advance for your help and sorry for my english :)
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