Tokyo Tech Tsubame Grid Storage Implementation
Wednesday, October 15, 2008 at 4:46AM
peterb_2008 in x64 hpc storage sun microsystems blueprints
This Sun BluePrint article describes the storage architecture of the Tokyo Institute of Technology TSUBAME grid. The Tokyo Institute of Technology is of the world's leading technical institutes, and recently created the fastest supercomputer in Asia, and one of the largest supercomputers outside of the United States. By deploying Sun Fire x64 servers and data servers in a grid architecture, Tokyo Tech built a cost-effective and flexible supercomputer consisting of hundreds of systems, thousands of processors, terabytes of memory and a petabyte of storage that supports users running common off-the-shelf applications. This is the second of a three-article series. It describes the steps to install and configuring the Lustre file system within the storage architecture.
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