Product: Collectl - Performance Data Collector
Sunday, February 3, 2008 at 1:11PM
Todd Hoff in Product, performance monitor
From their website:
There are a number of times in which you find yourself needing performance data. These can include benchmarking, monitoring a system's general heath or trying to determine what your system was doing at some time in the past. Sometimes you just want to know what the system is doing right now. Depending on what you're doing, you often end up using different tools, each designed to for that specific situation. Features include:
You are be able to run with non-integral sampling intervals.
Collectl uses very little CPU. In fact it has been measured to use <0.1% when run as a daemon using the default sampling interval of 60 seconds for process and slab data and 10 seconds for everything else.
Brief, verbose, and plot formats are supported.
You can report aggregated performance numbers on many devices such as CPUs, Disks, interconnects such as Infiniband or Quadrics, Networks or even Lustre file systems.
Collectl will align its sampling on integral second boundaries.
Supports process and slab monitoring.
New to the 2.4.0 release is the monitoring of process i/o statistics.
Unlike most monitoring tools that either focus on a small set of statistics, format their output in only one way, run either interactively or as a daemon but not both, collectl tries to do it all. You can choose to monitor any of a broad set of subsystems which currently include cpu, disk, inodes, infiniband, lustre, memory, network, nfs, processes, quadrics, slabs, sockets and tcp. The following is an example of simply running the collectl command with no arguments and using its default settings. Below we see what the cpu, network and disk were doing while writing a large file:
#cpu sys inter ctxsw KBRead Reads KBWrit Writes netKBi pkt-in netKBo pkt-out
37 37 382 188 0 0 27144 254 45 68 3 21
25 25 366 180 20 4 31280 296 0 1 0 0
25 25 368 183 0 0 31720 275 2 20 0 1
Output can also be saved in a rolling set of logs for later playback or displayed interactively in a variety of formats. If all that isn't enough there are additional mechanisms for supplying data to external tools via a socket interface or by generating its output as s-expressions, a format of choice for some tools such as supermon. You can even create files in space-separated formats for plotting with external packages like the one below which was done with gnuplot using 1 second samples.
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