Squeeze more performance from Parallelism
Sunday, November 1, 2009 at 4:08PM
Haytham ElFadeel in Actor Model, Parallelism, Parallelism, algorithm, concurrency, parallel

In many posts, such as: The Future of the Parallelism and its Challenges I mentioned that synchronization the access to the shared resource is the major challenge to write parallel code.

The synchronization and coordination take long time from the overall execution time, which reduce the benefits of the parallelism; the synchronization and coordination also reduce the scalability.

There are many forms of synchronization and coordination, such as:

But there are a few techniques to avoid these issues, such as: Shared-Nothing, Actor Model, and Hyper Object (A.K.A. Combinable Object). Simply if we reduce the shared data by re-architect our code this will gives us a huge benefits in performance and scalability.

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