Books: Web 2.0 Architectures and Cloud Application Architectures
Monday, March 16, 2009 at 9:34PM
geekr in Book, architecture, cloud, oreilly, web 2.0
I am excited about the upcoming release of two books on Web 2.0 and Cloud Application Architectures by O'Reilly.

Web 2.0 Architectures (estimated release in May 2009)
What entrepreneurs and information architects need to know

Using several high-profile Web 2.0 companies as examples, authors Duane Nickull, Dion Hinchcliffe, and James Governor have distilled the core patterns of Web 2.0 coupled with an abstract model and reference architecture. The result is a base of knowledge that developers, business people, futurists, and entrepreneurs can understand and use as a source of ideas and inspiration. Featured architectures include Google, Flickr, BitTorrent, MySpace, Facebook, and Wikipedia.

Cloud Application Architectures (estimated release in April 2009)
Building Applications and Infrastructure in the Cloud

This book by George Reese offers tested techniques for creating web applications on cloud computing infrastructures and for migrating existing systems to these environments. Specifically, you'll learn about the programming and system administration necessary for supporting transactional web applications in the cloud -- mission-critical activities that include orders and payments to support customers.

The second book is available online at O'Reilly as a Rough Cuts Version so you might already had a chance to check it out. If so, do you like it?
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