Update: Social networks in the database: using a graph database. A nice post on representing, traversing, and performing other common social network operations using a graph database.
If you are Digg or LinkedIn you can build your own speedy graph database to represent your complex social network relationships. For those of more modest means Neo4j, a graph database, is a good alternative.
A graph is a collection nodes (things) and edges (relationships) that connect pairs of nodes. Slap properties (key-value pairs) on nodes and relationships and you have a surprisingly powerful way to represent most anything you can think of. In a graph database "relationships are first-class citizens. They connect two nodes and both nodes and relationships can hold an arbitrary amount of key-value pairs. So you can look at a graph database as a key-value store, with full support for relationships."
A graph looks something like:

For more lovely examples take a look at the Graph Image Gallery.
Here's a good summary by Emil Eifrem, founder of the Neo4j, making the case for why graph databases rule:
Most applications today handle data that is deeply associative, i.e. structured as graphs (networks). The most obvious example of this is social networking sites, but even tagging systems, content management systems and wikis deal with inherently hierarchical or graph-shaped data.
This turns out to be a problem because it’s difficult to deal with recursive data structures in traditional relational databases. In essence, each traversal along a link in a graph is a join, and joins are known to be very expensive. Furthermore, with user-driven content, it is difficult to pre-conceive the exact schema of the data that will be handled. Unfortunately, the relational model requires upfront schemas and makes it difficult to fit this more dynamic and ad-hoc data.
A graph database uses nodes, relationships between nodes and key-value properties instead of tables to represent information. This model is typically substantially faster for associative data sets and uses a schema-less, bottoms-up model that is ideal for capturing ad-hoc and rapidly changing data.
So relational database can't handle complex relationships. Graph systems are opaque, unmaintainable, and inflexible. OO databases loose flexibility by combining logic and data. Key-value stores require the programmer to maintain all relationships. There, everybody sucks :-)
Neo4j's Key Characteristics
Dual license: open source and commercial.
Well suited for many web use cases such as tagging, metadata annotations, social networks, wikis and other network-shaped or hierarchical data sets.
An intuitive graph-oriented model for data representation. Instead of static and rigid tables, rows and columns, you work with a flexible graph network consisting of nodes, relationships and properties.
Decent documentation, active and responsive email list, a few releases, good buzz. All a good sign for something that has a chance to last a while.
Has bindings for a number of languages Python, Jython, Ruby, and Clojure. No binding for .Net yet. The recommendation is to access using a REST interface.
Disk-based, native storage manager completely optimized for storing graph structures for maximum performance and scalability. SSD ready.
Massive scalability. Neo4j can handle graphs of several billion nodes/relationships/properties on a single machine.
Frequently outperforms relational backends with >1000x for many increasingly important use cases.
Powerful traversal framework for high-speed traversals in the node space.
Small footprint. Neo4j is a single <500k jar with one dependency (the Java Transaction API).
Simple and convenient object-oriented API.
Retrieving children is trivial in a graph database.
No need to flatten and serialize an object graph as graphs are native to a graph database.
Fully transactional like a real database. Supports JTA/JTS, XA, 2PC, Tx recovery, deadlock detection, etc.
Current implementation is built to handle large graphs that don't fit in memory with durability. It's not a cache, it's a fully persistent transactional store.
No events or triggers. Planned in a future release.
No sharding. A suggestion for how one might shard is here.
Some common graph calculations are missing. For example, in a social network finding a common friend for a set of users.
Separates data and logic with a more "natural" representation than tables. This makes it easy to use Neo4j as the storage tier for OO code while keeping behaviour and state separate.
Neo4j traverses depths of 1000 levels and beyond at millisecond speed. That's many orders of magnitude faster than relational systems.
Neo4j vs Hadoop
This post makes an illuminating comparison between Neo4j vs Hadoop:
In principle, Hadoop and other Key-Value stores are mostly concerned with relatively flat data structures. That is, they are extremely fast and scalable regarding retrieval of simple objects, like values, documents or even objects.
However, if you want to do deeper traversal of e.g. a graph, you will have to retrieve the nodes for every traversal step (very fast) and then match them yourself in some manner (e.g. in Java or so) - slow.
Neo4j in contrast is build around the concept of "deep" data structures. This gives you almost unlimited flexibility regarding the layout of your data and domain object graph and very fast deep
traversals (hops over several nodes) since they are handled natively by the Neo4j engine down to the storage layer and not your client code. The drawback is that for huge data amounts (>1Billion nodes) the clustering and partitioning of the graph becomes non-trivial, which is one of the areas we are working on.
Then of course there are differences in the transaction models, consistency and others, but I hope this gives you a very short philosophical answer :)
It would have never occurred to me to compare the two, but the comparison shows why we need multiple complementary views of data. Hadoop scales the data grid and the compute grid and is more flexible in how data are queried and combined. Neo4j has far lower latencies for complex navigation problems. It's not a zero-sum game.
Related Articles
Neo4j -- or why graph dbs kick ass
The current database debate and graph databases by Anders Nawroth
On Building a Stupidly Fast Graph Database by Scott Wheeler and the Hacker News Thread
Network Model from wikipedia
Databases as a service: FathomDB
Using Neo4J to load and query OWL ontologies by Sujit Pal
Graph Databases and the Future of Large-Scale Knowledge Management by Marko A. Rodriguez
Memo To The Semantic Web: Drop “Semantic” And Become The “Graph Web” by Hank Williams
Is the Relational Database Doomed? by Tony Bain
Neo Database Introduction
Neo4j Email List
flare Data Visualization for the Web
Giant Global Graph by Tim Berners-Lee
Tim Berners-Lee -- Linked Data at TED
Drop ACID and Think About Data by Bob Ippolito
Analyzing and adapting graph algorithms for large persistent graphs by Larsson, Patrik
Article originally appeared on (http://highscalability.com/).
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