What Does Cloud Computing Actually Cost? An Analysis of the Top Vendors - Amazon is currently the lowest cost cloud computing option overall. At least for production applications that need more than 6.5 hours of CPU/day, otherwise GAE is technically cheaper because it's free until this usage level.
no:sql(east) - October 28–30, 2009, Atlanta, GA. Very cute page playing off of SQL syntax.
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Gear6 Web Cache Virtual Appliance - a feature complete virtual machine (VM) of the Gear6 Web Cache software. It includes all the functionality of the Gear6 Web Cache including simulating Gear6 high density RAM-flash architecture.
NetApp reveals cloud computing plan, new Data OnTap OS - Our research shows users are very interested in scale-out technology," she said. "What's nice about it is as you add processor and storage resources, you get much higher storage utilization rates and the new scale-out system grows up to 14 petabytes, but it can still be managed in a single array.
The fantasy sponsor for this post are those little food kiosks outside Home Depot stores. I love their Fire Dogs. Hot and yummy. I bet most home improvement projects in America are inspired by cravings for one of these little beauties.
Article originally appeared on (http://highscalability.com/).
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