Applying Scalability Patterns to Infrastructure Architecture
Wednesday, September 22, 2010 at 9:01AM
Lori MacVittie, F5 Networks

Too often software design patterns are overlooked by network and application delivery network architects but these patterns are often equally applicable to addressing a broad range of architectural challenges in the application delivery tier of the data center.

 By Lori Mac Vittie, F5 Networks 

The “High Scalability” blog is fast becoming one of my favorite reads. Last week did not disappoint with a post highlighting a set of scalability design patterns that was, apparently, inspired by yet another High Scalability post on “6 Ways to Kill Your Servers: Learning to Scale the Hard Way.


Credit:Michael Chow/



This particular post caught my attention primarily because although I’ve touched on many of these patterns in the past, I’ve never thought to call them


what they are: scalability patterns. That’s probably a side-effect of forgetting that building an architecture of any kind is at its core computer science and thus algorithms and design patterns are applicable to both micro- and macro-architectures, such as those used when designing a scalable architecture.


This is actually more common than you’d think, as it’s rarely the case that a network guy and a developer sit down and discuss scalability patterns over beer and deep fried cheese curds (hey, I live in Wisconsin and it’s my blog post so just stop making faces until you’ve tried it). Developers and architects sit over there and think about how to design a scalable application from the perspective of its components – databases, application servers, middleware, etc… Network architects sit over here and think about how to scale an application from the perspective of network components – load balancers, trunks, VLANs, and switches. The thing is that the scalability patterns leveraged by developers and architects can almost universally be abstracted and applied to the application delivery network – the set of components integrated as a means to ensure availability, performance, and security of applications. That’s why devops is so important and why devops has to bring dev into ops as much as its necessary to bring some ops into dev. There needs to be more cross-over, more discussion, between the two groups if not an entirely new group in order to leverage the knowledge and skills that each has in new and innovative ways.



So the aforementioned post is just a summary of a longer and more detailed post, but for purposes of this post I think the summary will do with the caveat that the original, “Scalability patterns and an interesting story...” by Jesper Söderlund is a great read that should definitely be on your “to read” list in the very near future.


For now, let’s briefly touch on the scalability patterns and sub-patterns Jesper described with some commentary on how they fit into scalability from a network and application delivery network perspective. The original text from the High Scalability blog are in red(dish) text.


  • Load distribution - Spread the system load across multiple processing units

    This is a horizontal scaling strategy that is well-understood. It may take the form of “clustering” or “load balancing” but in both cases it is essentially an aggregation coupled with a distributed processing model. The secret sauce is almost always in the way in which the aggregation point (strategic point of control) determines how best to distribute the load across the “multiple processing units.”  
    • load balancing / load sharing - Spreading the load across many components with equal properties for handling the request
      This is what most people think of when they hear “load balancing”, it’s just that at the application delivery layer we think in terms of directing application requests (usually HTTP but can just about any application protocol) to equal “servers” (physical or virtual) that handle the request. This is a “scaling out” approach that is most typically associated today with cloud computing and auto-scaling: launch additional clones of applications as virtual instances in order to increase the total capacity of an application. The load balancing distributes requests across all instances based on the configured load balancing algorithm.
    • Partitioning - Spreading the load across many components by routing an individual request to a component that owns that data specific
      This is really where the architecture comes in and where efficiency and performance can be dramatically increased in an image application delivery architecture. Rather than each instance of an application being identical to every other one, each instance (or pool of instances) is designated as the “owner”. This allows for devops to tweak configurations of the underlying operating system, web and application server software for the specific type of request being handled. This is, also, where the difference between “application switching” and “load balancing” becomes abundantly clear as “application switching” is used as a means to determine where to route a particular request which is/can be then load balanced across a pool of resources. It’s a subtle distinction but an important one when architecting not only efficient and fast but resilient and reliable delivery networks.

    I hate to sound-off too much on the “devops” trumpet, but one of the primary ways in which devops will be of significant value in the future is exactly in this type of practical implementation. Only by recognizing that many architectural patterns are applicable to not only application but infrastructure architecture can we start to apply a whole lot of “lessons that have already been learned” by developers and architects to emerging infrastructure architectural models. This abstraction and application from well-understood patterns in application design and architecture will be invaluable in designing the new network; the next iteration of network theory and implementation that will allow it to scale along with the applications it is delivering.


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