SongPop Scales to 1 Million Active Users on GAE, Showing PaaS is not Passé
Monday, February 25, 2013 at 9:30AM
HighScalability Team in Example

Should you use PaaS for your next project? Often the answer is no because you want control, but here's an example from SongPop showing why the promise of PaaS is not passé. SongPop was able to autoscale to 60 million users, 1 million daily active users, deliver 17 terabytes/day of songs and images worldwide, handle 10k+ queries/second, all with a 6 person engineering team, and only one engineer working full-time on the backend.

Unfortunately there aren't a lot of details, but what there is can be found in Scaling SongPop to 60 million users with App Engine and Google Cloud Storage. The outline follows the script. You start small. Let PaaS do the heavy lifting. And when you need to scale you just buy more resources and tune a little (maybe a lot). The payoff is you get to focus on feature development and can get by with a small team.

Here's a diagram of their architecture:

Some lessons learned:

Clearly this is your canonical Facebook style game, so it's not a complicated application, but it is a good existence proof to include in your architecture decision matrix.

Related Architecture

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