Instagram Improved their App's Performance. Here's How.
Monday, September 29, 2014 at 8:56AM
HighScalability Team in Example

Is flat design just another pretty face or is it a huge performance hack cloaked as a UI revolution? It turns out flat design is a stone cold performance win.

This and more is expertly explained by Tyler Kieft, Engineer at Instagram, in a crisp and content filled talk he gave at the @scale conferenceInstagram on Typical Android. This talk was part of series of talks given by Facebook on how to design for the reality of mobile applications across the globe, where phones are slower, screens are smaller, and networks are slower than they are in the US.

Designing for a typical phone rather than a high-end phone required the Instagram team to rethink their design in a deep way. One of the revelations in Tyler's talk was that moving to a flat design was huge in making the application more beautiful, more usable, and it also substantially increased performance.

This was quite a surprise. I've only ever thought of flat design as just a way to think about how to build pretty UIs. Silly me. Thanks to Tyler for explaining the benefits of flat design so clearly and forcefully, using Instagram as a great example of what is possible.

Flat design is the anti-skeuomorphism, going digital native, eschewing a slavish obsession with the appearance of reality, adopting simple elements, simple typography, flat colors, and simple designs.

Using flat design Instagram was able shave off 120ms from its cold start times. It was also able to reduce the number of assets it took to display the feed screen from 29 assets down to 8 assets. All while making the application more beautiful, more usable, with more focus given to the content across different phone sizes.

How did flat design make all this possible? 

Moving to a Flat Design

Why flat design?

Improving Cold Start Times

Lessons Learned

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