Hey, it's HighScalability time:
Images from a far flung galaxy? Nope. It's the mind blowing swirling beauty of ink in motion.
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- $10 billion: damages in worlds largest cyberattack; .5%: bitcoins use of all the electricity on earth; 1/200th: Verizon throttling California firefighters for leverage; 4.6%: YC companies reaching $100M+ valuation; 45: ave age of successful startup founder; $250,000: monthly take from browser-based Monero mining; 300+: 3D digitized Greek and Roman sculptures; 80: employees are chipped at a company; 100k: bike graveyard from failed startups; 70%: executives think they are block chain experts; $7 billion: Slack valuation; 120: AWS instance types; 27.6 petabytes: Microsoft’s undersea data center webcam of swimming fish; 42%: product is the reason startups fail; $334bn: tech and telecom M&A market; 6x: Nvidia's new GPU; 50%: Cisco's revenue is now subscription based;
- Quotable Quotes:
- API Gateway is the outbound bandwidth of services. From $erverless to Elixir: It’s a lot cheaper for us. Mind that we already have an ops team and we already have a Kubernetes cluster running. Our additional costs are the fractions of EC2 instances that the Elixir nodes are consuming...What everyone should do is think about where your service is going, and can you afford those costs when you get there. If you don’t have a team of ops people and you aren’t familiar with serverful stuff, spending $30k/mo on HTTP requests might be cheaper than an ops team.
- Excellent list of Case studies of AWS serverless apps in production.
- Soon combining robots and deep learning will radically change how work gets done out in the real world. The Robohub podcast episode—Robotic Weeding and Harvesting—covers some really interesting robotics work being done in Australia. The first robot performs weed management. Not weed killing, the researcher really didn't like the phrase "killing weeds." The robot localizes using Real-time kinematic GPS, an expensive and highly accurate location system, along with a camera with deep learning to identify weeds in real-time. Once identified weed are "managed" chemically or pulled. The idea is herbacide resistence is a big problem. With robots you can just pick the weeds as a human might. The system replaces a tractor that would spray herbicide before planting. The system can also scout the field to figure out what's in the field for itself. It doesn't have to be told. If it doesn't know what a plant is the farmer can tell it, so it can work on any field. The second robot harvests sweet peppers. The problem they have is labor smoothing. Labor is only needed periodically, which isn't practical for people. The robot is a cheaper, more consistent source of labor, though humans are faster pickers. We also have to think about how in the years to come we'll be able to double the production of food as population increases. Both robots are designed to be easily generalizable platforms. Goal is deployment in a few years. I expect we'll see soon fruits and veggies engineered to be easier for robots to "manage".
- Good classes on Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos - Steven Strogatz, Cornell University.
- Awesome cautionary tale well told. Automatic software updates are a chokepoint, once breached marauders are free to rape and pillage the castle. The destructive amplification these attacks provide are unmatched. As usual our greatest strength is also our greatest weakness. Oh, and the lesson is patch stuff. The Untold Story of NotPetya, the Most Devastating Cyberattack in History: In the spring of 2017, unbeknownst to anyone at Linkos Group, Russian military hackers hijacked the company’s update servers to allow them a hidden back door into the thousands of PCs around the country and the world that have M.E.Doc installed. Then, in June 2017, the saboteurs used that back door to release a piece of malware called NotPetya, their most vicious cyberweapon yet...NotPetya was propelled by two powerful hacker exploits working in tandem: One was a penetration tool known as EternalBlue, created by the US National Security Agency...On a national scale, NotPetya was eating Ukraine’s computers alive. It would hit at least four hospitals in Kiev alone, six power companies, two airports, more than 22 Ukrainian banks, ATMs and card payment systems in retailers and transport, and practically every federal agency. “The government was dead,” summarizes Ukrainian minister of infrastructure Volodymyr Omelyan. According to ISSP, at least 300 companies were hit, and one senior Ukrainian government official estimated that 10 percent of all computers in the country were wiped. The attack even shut down the computers used by scientists at the Chernobyl cleanup site, 60 miles north of Kiev...NotPetya’s architects combined that digital skeleton key with an older invention known as Mimikatz, created as a proof of concept by French security researcher Benjamin Delpy in 2011.
- An excellent explanation of Go Memory Management.
- You may not know it, but Silicon Valley has a world class Computer History Museum. One of the cool things they do is record oral histories. You can access their entire Oral History Collection online. There are almost 1000 entries. You might like Backus, John oral history or Don Knuth's early programs or Kapor, Mitch oral history.
- Redis, the secret caching sauce behind a lot of websites on the internet, has gone to an open core paid for modules model as an attempt to make a decent living off of software a lot of people use but don't pay for. People have to make a living. It has worked for Postgres and Nginx, why not Redis? The world is in tumult: here, here, here, here. @antirez: "Please note that the Redis license remains BSD. A few people misunderstood the @RedisLabs blog post. It applies only to modules developed at Redis Labs such as RediSearch. Modules developed by myself will be AGPL (that is, Disque). Redis core BSD as usually." But the cloud adds a level of indirection. @antirez: "AGPL is the only way to stay inside the OSS realm. But I believe it's not going to completely fix the fundamental problem of OSS in the cloud era, that is, people producing the software are not always the same that will make most money selling the service."
- How confident are we that algorithms of tomorrow are a good fit for existing semiconductor chips or new computational fabrics under development? Algorithms Outpace Moore’s Law for AI: Professor Martin Groetschel observed that a linear programming problem that would take 82 years to solve in 1988 could be solved in one minute in 2003. Hardware accounted for 1,000 times speedup, while algorithmic advance accounted for 43,000 times. Similarly, MIT professor Dimitris Bertsimas showed that the algorithm speedup between 1991 and 2013 for mixed integer solvers was 580,000 times, while the hardware speedup of peak supercomputers increased only a meager 320,000 times. Similar results are rumored to take place in other classes of constrained optimization problems and prime number factorization.
- It's nice to see HighScalability has helped someone. Snyk.io reached out to say an article written in 2011—Google Pro Tip: Use Back-Of-The-Envelope-Calculations To Choose The Best Design—helped them uncover an email parser DOS vulnerability in some of the most popular Node.js parsers. You can read all about it in How to crash an email server with a single email. Awesome job!
- Multi-cloud: snark or real beast? Cloud Wars: How The Rivalry Between Amazon, Microsoft, and Google Has Enabled The Rise Of Multi-Cloud Strategies: Companies like Snap have discussed their multi-cloud strategy on earnings calls, according to CB Insights’ Earnings Transcripts tool. The former CFO Drew Vollero highlighted how Snap’s multi-cloud strategy has saved the company money:“We’ve been able to moderate user cost growth through the successful execution of our multi-cloud strategy. Specifically, hosting costs per user dropped from $0.72 a year ago to $0.70 in the quarter. That’s great progress in a year when our sales have more than doubled and engagement metrics have grown substantially.” Also, A Portable Cloud Experiment: SFTP Cloud Storage Sync.
- Comprehensive Threadripper tests - memory vs cpu freq at capped power: The test is important, because the threadripper only has 4 memory channels. Consumer Intel and AMD parts have 2 memory channels, AMD's threadripper has 4, Intel's Xeon's have 6, and AMD's EPYC has 8. Since threadripperonly has 4, memory-intensive workloads essentially cap performance. It's interesting just how low in frequency we can go with only a minimal impact on the compile workload. Memory speed trades-off against frequency, so if you don't want to pull 330W at the wall in the stock configuration, then buying 3000 MHz memory for the threadripper is not necessarily the best choice.
- Curious about how software on the space shuttle works? Here it is: Avionics. Browse for awhile. It's a good time.
- Scalable multi-node deep learning training using GPUs in the AWS Cloud: The results of this work demonstrate that AWS can be used for rapid training of deep learning networks, using a performant, flexible, and scalable architecture. The implementation described in this blog post has room for further optimization. A single Amazon EC2 P3 instance with 8 NVIDIA V100 GPUs can train ResNet50 with ImageNet data in about three hours (NVIDIA, Fast.AI) using SuperConvergence and other advanced optimization techniques. @jrhunt~ Scaling learning rate for the 1st 10 epochs then scaling it down for the final 80. Using a separate parameter server cluster. It came out to ~$30 an hour without using spot.
- Nice trick. Built for Speed: Custom Parser for Regex at Scale: we captured the huge query latency reduction enabled by Bloom filters with a custom-built regex parser...Our own FSM proved to be 3–4 times faster! Thanks to these hand-coded FSMs, we’ve seen a substantial improvement in our ingestion pipeline, which brings more speed for our customers.
- Basically, learn how distributed systems work. Serverless Best Practices: Each function should do only one thing; Functions don’t call other functions; Use as few libraries in your functions as possible (preferably zero); Avoid using connection based services e.g. RDBMS; One function per route (if using HTTP); Learn to use messages and queues (async FTW); Data flows, not data lakes; Just coding for scale is a mistake, you have to consider how it scales.
- Using AWS EC2 instance store vs EBS for MySQL: how to increase performance and decrease cost: 1) Using EC2 i3 instances with local NVMe storage can increase performance and save money. There are some limitations: local storage is ephemeral and will disappear if the node has stopped. Reboot is fine. 2) ZFS filesystem with compression enabled can decrease the storage requirements so that a MySQL instance will fit into local storage. Another option for compression could be to use InnoDB compression (row_format=compressed).
- AnandTech live blogged a number of sessions from Hot Chips 2018. For example, the enigmatically titled SMIV DNN SoC for IoT.
- Mikael Ronstrom has made available for free a chapter—Use cases for MySQL Cluster—of his book MySQL Cluster 7.5 inside and out.
- It's a long commoditizing your complement play, but we're seeing the next level of abstractions being created for a viable portable private multi-coud. Knative + Envoy + Istio. Microservice Meshes With Istio And Envoy on Datanauts and Istio service mesh and microservices on Changelog are both good episodes to learn more about what's developing. Also, Envoy Service Mesh Case Study: Mitigating Cascading Failure at Lyft, Multi-cluster Kubernetes load balancing in AWS with Yggdrasil, Envoy vs NGINX vs HAProxy: Why the open source Ambassador API Gateway chose Envoy, Hybrid and Open Services with GCP, Envoy and Istio: A Talk with Google and Lyft (Cloud Next '18).
- Murat continues his deep dive from his all expenses paid vacation at Microsoft. Logical index organization in Cosmos DB: Logical indexing is a specialized database topic. Does understanding this help me become a better distributed systems researcher? I would argue yes. First of all, developing expertise in multiple branches, being a Pi-shaped academician, provides advantages. Aside from that, learning new things stretches your brain and makes it easier to learn other things.
- Speculation isn't just for instructions, Intel even uses it for the content in their virtual memory management paging tables. Because processors are so much faster than RAM, multiple caches are placed between the processor and RAM, that even includes virtual memory management paging tables. The Foreshadow Flaw. Security Now episode 677. The result? More patches that slow everything down.
- Eric Hammond with a lot of good tips on how to set up billing alerts on AWS. If you've ever faced the horror of paying a pretty penny for resources you forgot to close down (and who hasn't?), this is a very good thing to do.
- facebookexperimental/FBHALE (article): FBHALE was developed to aid in the conceptual design of High Altitude Long Endurance (HALE) aircraft. By leveraging first order physical models for the various tightly coupled disciplines that drive HALE aircraft design, FBHALE allows for quick and accurate design space exploration.
- What You Should Know About Megaprojects and Why: An Overview: Sixth, it is shown how megaprojects are systematically subject to "survival of the unfittest," explaining why the worst projects get built instead of the best. Finally, it is argued that the conventional way of managing megaprojects has reached a "tension point," where tradition is challenged and reform is emerging.
- PolarFS: An Ultra-low Latency and Failure Resilient Distributed File System for Shared Storage Cloud Database: a distributed file system with ultra-low latency and high availability, designed for the POLARDB database service, which is now available on the Alibaba Cloud. PolarFS utilizes a lightweight network stack and I/O stack in user-space, taking full advantage of the emerging techniques like RDMA, NVMe, and SPDK. In this way, the end-toend latency of PolarFS has been reduced drastically and our experiments show that the write latency of PolarFS is quite close to that of local file system on SSD.
- Architecting Persistent Memory Systems: The imminent release of 3D XPoint memory by Intel and Micron looks set to end the long wait for affordable persistent memory. Persistent memories combine the persistence of disk with DRAM-like performance, blurring the traditional divide between a byte-addressable, volatile main memory and a block-addressable, persistent storage (e.g., SSDs). One of the most disruptive potential use cases for persistent memories is to host in-memory recoverable data structures. These recoverable data structures may be directly modified by programmers using user-level processor load and store instructions, rather than relying on performance sapping software intermediaries like the operating and file systems. Ensuring the recoverability of these data structures requires programmers to have the ability to control the order of updates to persistent memory.
Article originally appeared on (http://highscalability.com/).
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