Evolution of search engines architecture - Algolia New Search Architecture Part 1
Monday, August 2, 2021 at 9:11AM
HighScalability Team in search


What would a totally new search engine architecture look like? Who better than Julien Lemoine, Co-founder & CTO of Algolia, to describe what the future of search will look like. This is the first article in a series.

Search engines, and more generally, information retrieval systems, play a central role in almost all of today’s technical stacks. Information retrieval started in the beginning of computer science. Research accelerated in the early 90s with the introduction of the Text REtrieval Conference (TREC). After more than 30 years of evolution since TREC, search engines continue to grow and evolve, leading to new challenges.

In this article, we look at some key milestones in the evolution of search engine architecture. We also describe the challenges those architectures face today. As you’ll see, we grouped the engines into four architecture categories. This is a simplification, as there are in reality a lot of different engines with various mix of architectures. We did this to focus our attention on the most important characteristics of those architectures.

1. The Inverted Index —  the early days of search

In the early days of search engines, the first big revolution was the use of inverted indexes. The word “index” comes from the index that you find at the end of books, which associates a word with the different pages that contain information about the word. 

Essentially, a search engine builds a dictionary of every word, where, for each word, it stores and sorts the list of documents that contain the word. Thus, when an end user performs a query with multiple words, the search engine can scan all the words, compute the intersection (documents that contain all the words), and rank them.

All search engines follow this general concept of indexing. Indexing opened a new area of research on how to represent inverted indexes (composed of several inverted lists) in an efficient way. This research led to multiple sets of compression algorithms to efficiently compress and scan those inverted lists containing more and more information.

If you’re interested in the way inverted lists are represented, and the different algorithms that can be used, I recommend reading the book Introduction to Information Retrieval by Christopher D. Manning.

In terms of software architecture, search engines in the early days could be summarized as:

Schema 1: Simple representation of a search architecture (software in blue) 

There was no concept of scaling at this stage. This architecture worked well for small amounts of data. The web expansion in the early 90s, where the volume of data increased rapidly, required a scaling of this architecture.

2. Introduction of sharding - parallelization

In the early days of the internet, websites were listed manually in a directory. It became obvious after a few years that a manual list could not continue to deal with the increasing number of websites (according to internet live stats, the number of websites evolved from 130 websites in 1993, to 23,500 in 1995). Thus began the most popular use case for search engines: web search engines. 

In 1993, the first web search engines were introduced. They all had to handle a massive increase in the volume of data in the early 90s. In 1995, when Alta Vista was introduced by Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC), it was to illustrate the power of their multi-processor 64-bit Alpha servers. It was one of the first, if not the first, fully parallelized search engine able to index the 10M websites that were listed at the time.

Parallelization is fairly straightforward to apply to search engines : 

Schema 2: Architecture of a sharded search engine

The introduction of sharding enabled search engines to treat large volumes of data. In the early days of sharding, the number of shards, and by extension the number of servers, were fixed in advance. Many implementations used a mathematical hashing function to allocate one document to one of the N shards. A document was always allocated to the same shard and therefore will never lead to a duplication of records between the shards.

This shard-based search engine architecture can be summarized as:

Some additional comments:

This type of architecture was used during the 90s and even early 2000s. Of course, a lot of refinements and improvements were applied to those architectures to make sure they were able to support the load. For example, batch indexing was quickly replaced by incremental builds of data structures to avoid rebuilding the whole inverted list at each pass (similar to databases). Sharding is a key component of search engines to make them scale. Today, it’s part of all search engine architectures in addition to other principles to reach high availability, which we describe in the next section.

3. High Availability and scaling of search - the age of maturity

Search engines need to scale, to manage large volumes of data and numbers of queries. According to Internet World Stats, there were only 16M internet users in 1995, but it grew quickly to reach more than 5B in 2020. 

The previous section discussed how to manage large volumes of data with sharding. The next problem is how to manage the large volume of queries, and the associated high-availability of search (that is, supporting hardware failures).

Solving this problem requires introducing replicas of the inverted shards to be able to answer a query from multiple sets of machines. The general principle is straightforward: we use the same architecture as before, but we have N groups of machines able to answer any query instead of having only one group of machines. Each group of machines contains all the shards to answer any query and the number of replicas can grow or shrink depending on the volume of queries.

The complexity of such architecture is mainly in the replication logic and has the same properties and drawbacks as the previous architecture. The complexity of the replication of inverted indices depends on the format of the data structure on disk. Generational data structures are often optimized to minimize the amount of data transferred. If you’re interested in learning more about the different types of data structure on disk, I recommend reading the description of the LevelDB key value store internals; the same concept is often applied to search engines.

When the architecture is hosted in a public cloud environment, the different groups of machines must be hosted on different availability zones to target a better service level objective (SLO). A load balancer component is required to distribute the queries to the different sets of machines, and to retry on error.

This replica-based search engine architecture has exactly the same characteristics as the previous one, with the addition of:

4. High Availability of indexing and elasticity - the business critical area

Given the importance of high-availability of search for all online businesses, it’s crucial to tolerate hardware failure without any business impact. Architectures must manage hardware failure so that it remains transparent to the end user.

The previously discussed architecture introduced the possibility to accept hardware failure without impacting the ability to search. New use cases like Snapshat make indexing a critical piece of the system: Snapshot’s information is ephemeral and needs to be searchable quickly, so the indexing also requires high availability. High availability of indexing was introduced to search engines via different architectures that all have in common that at least two machines can build one shard. The most famous architecture is Elasticsearch, introduced in 2010 with high availability of search and indexing. The most significant innovation Elasticsearch introduced was not the high availability of indexing; it was the elasticity. Elasticity is the ability to add machines to an existing instance and move shards between machines. It was a significant evolution of search engine architectures!

The introduction of high availability of indexing is an evolution of the primary/replicas architecture described in the previous section. Each shard has one primary, thus ensuring a unique ordering of indexing jobs and N replicas. It’s important to ensure that each replica will process the jobs in the same order to converge on the exact same state.

Suppose the machine hosting the primary shard is down. In that case, one replica is elected as the new primary via a leader election algorithm to ensure a globally consistent state.

To illustrate this, let's take the following example: 

When an indexing operation comes to the system, a routing phase routes the operation to the correct primary shard. This routing process can be performed by any one of the three machines (so you can target any machine to perform the indexing operation). The indexing process of the primary shard will then replicate the indexing operation on every shard, resulting in the application of the indexing operation on three machines in parallel (schema 3)

Schema 3: Example of an indexing operation for the shard 1 in the case of one index with four shards, a replication factor of three.

A load balancer selects one of the three copies of each shard to perform the query. The three copies allow three times more queries per second than with a single copy of the shard. In this setup, the machines are spread over two availability zones (AZ). Each AZ runs on as many different physical infrastructures as possible inside a cloud-provider region. The three copies are stored in a way where the first copy is 100% hosted on the first AZ, the second copy is 100% hosted on the second AZ, and the third copy is split between the two AZ. Schema 4 illustrates one query sent to the copy that is 100% hosted on the first AZ.


Schema 4: Example of a query processed by the replica, hosted fully on the first AZ

On each machine, the indexing and the search processes can access all the shards stored locally. The elasticity comes from adding and removing machines to an existing setup. For example, it’s possible to add a new machine to the previous example. The shards would then automatically be moved to the new machine to ensure you have an even-loaded spread on each machine. Depending on the allocation algorithm of your search engine, you can end up with a result similar to schema 5.

The number of shards is static in this architecture. Defining the number of shards is a critical element of your configuration, as it defines the ability to scale and your underlying performance. In this example, the number of shards is not big enough to use all the CPU resources on all machines. Still, you can increase the number of replicas to support more queries per second and use all resources, which is the standard way to scale.

It’s also important not to have too many shards. The goal is to process all of them in parallel. If you do not have enough CPU threads for all shards at the same time, it will negatively impact your response time.

Schema 5: Example after the addition of a new machine in the second availability zone

There are two types of failures that this architecture can support while keeping all shards available:

  1. One machine is down. This would have no impact on the ability to index and search. There are enough replicas to ensure we can still perform a search query. The leader election will elect one of the two replicas as master. The only impact would be to reduce the search capacity because fewer CPU threads are available for search.

  2. One AZ is down. In this case, the search would still be available with less capacity to scale. Indexing would be unavailable for two shards as only one of the three copies remains, which prevents a leader election.

This type of architecture is today’s state of the art in search architecture, with the following characteristics:

5. Next steps — the current challenges of search engines

The latest generation of architecture is now more than ten years old! Since then, fast-growing marketplaces and SaaS applications have put many constraints on those architectures. It’s now time to design the next generation of architecture for the next ten years, solving the following challenges:

We identified those five unique challenges in 2019 when we started the work on our next-generation architecture. We've developed a unique architecture aimed at solving those five challenges, and we have our first customers testing it. The following articles will give more details about how this architecture works and how we solve those five unique challenges of search.


Article originally appeared on (http://highscalability.com/).
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