Entries in cache (12)


[ANN] New Open Source Cache System

The SHOP.COM Cache System is now available at http://code.google.com/p/sccache/ The SHOP.COM Cache System is an object cache system that... * is an in-process cache and external, shared Cache * is horizontally scalable * stores cached objects to disk * supports associative keys * is non-transactional * can have any size key and any size data * does auto-GC based on TTL * is container and platform neutral It was built in-house at SHOP.COM (by me) and has powered our website for years. We are open-sourcing it in the hope that it will be useful to others and to get some help in its maintenance. This is our first open source attempt and we'd appreciate any help and comments.

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Rules of Thumb in Data Engineering

This is an interesting and still relevant research paper by Jim Gray, Prashant Shenoy at Microsoft Research that examines the rules of thumb for the design of data storage systems. It looks at storage, processing, and networking costs, ratios, and trends with a particular focus on performance and price/performance. Jim Gray has an updated presentation on this interesting topic: Long Term Storage Trends and You. Robin Harris has a great post that reflects on the Rules of Thumb whitepaper on his StorageMojo blog: Architecting the Internet Data Center - Parts I-IV.

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