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HighScalability Tested, Cyborg Approved:
- Google's DNS: 70 billion requests a day; Superexponential: the rate of tech progress; Akka: 48 cores / 20 million messages a second; 1 minute: intervals for health; Santa Tracker: 1.6 Million Requests per Second; 70x: MySQL cluster performance improvement
- Quotable Quotes
- @joeweinman: Lightbody at #ccevent : "Rule #1: architect with price structure in mind
- Techdirt: Nothing Scales Like Stupidity
- @brainvat: The IRS of Spain has a columnar database with 100,000 columns and over a trillion rows
- Zynga is now 20% Amazon and 80% their own cloud, reversing their previous approach of launching in Amazon for the spiky growth phase of a product and then folding it back in when growth rates stabilized. Follow the money...
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