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It's HighScalability Time:
- 30 Million: Lady Gaga Twitter followers; 1 Billion: active Facebook users;
- Quotable Quotes:
- @mappingbabel: Oracle exec says "we're not competing with Amazon for Netflix, we're competing with Amazon for Boeing,"
- @CompSciFact: "Most software looks more like a whirlpool than a pipeline." #gotoaar
- @ibogost: When someone says "Big Data," I always check to see if I still have my wallet.
- @beezly: Google Compute Engine is "LIKE A HUGE SPACE LASER" #FACT #velocityconf
- @rem: Bandwidth stops helping speed up web sites around 5mb (in a mobile context), yet reducing latency has a linear positive impact #VelocityConf
- Funny take on a Hacker News front page.
- What We Found Scanning Millions of Email Systems: We found that, on average, it took 0.3 second to establish a connection, and 1.4 seconds to complete an SMTP transaction < So why do we need a new messasge bus again when email works just fine?
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