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- 1 billion: WhatsApp users; 3.5 billion: Facebook users in 2030; $3.5 billion: art sold online; $150 billion: China's budget for making chips; 37.5MB: DNA information in a single sperm;
- Quotable Quotes:
- @jeffiel: "But seriously developers, trust us next time your needs temporarily overlap our strategic interests. And here's a t-shirt."
- @feross: Modern websites are the epitome of inefficiency. Using giant multi-MB javascript files to do what static HTML could do in 1999.
- Rob Joyce (NSA): We put the time in …to know [that network] better than the people who designed it and the people who are securing it,' he said. 'You know the technologies you intended to use in that network. We know the technologies that are actually in use in that network. Subtle difference. You'd be surprised about the things that are running on a network vs. the things that you think are supposed to be there.
- @MikeIsaac: i just realized how awkward Facebook's f8 conference is gonna be this year
- @Nick_Craver: Stats correction: Stack Overflow did 157,370,800,409 redis ops in the past 30 days, almost always under 2% CPU:
- @BenedictEvans: The global SMS system does around 20bn messages a day. WhatsApp is now doing 42bn. With 57 engineers.
- @jaygoldberg: WhatsApp has the benefit of running on top of the world's data networks which employ a few more engineers...
- @anildash: It’s odd that developers think Twitter is so hostile while Facebook shuts down stuff like Parse & FBML + cuts back the Instagram & FB APIs.
- @asynchio: I use to think CEP = stateful business rules engine + inference + stream processing. Has it changed?
- @Marco_Rasp: "SOA is about reuse, MicroServices about time to market." @samnewman #microxchg
- @pfhllnts: "I predict quantum containers where Docker exists both inside and outside a container." @marcoceppi #fosdem
- @viktorklang: Awesome story: 295x speedup with Akka Streams on same HW compared to Rails :)
krinchan: Yes. Because a currency almost completely controlled by Chinese miners who are strangling the network at 1MB blocks, causing transaction times in excess of three hours at peak and just introduced the ability to arbitrarily reverse those transactions during the lag is totally going to handle DraftKings and FanDuel.
- @mpesce: 1/The Apple AX series SOCs are more than powerful enough to run a Hololens-type device very effectively.
- Matthew Yglesias: Amazon's leadership, from CEO Jeff Bezos on down, are deliberately redeploying every dollar of revenue Amazon earns into making the company bigger and bigger.
- German forest ranger finds that trees have social networks: trees operate less like individuals and more as communal beings. Working together in networks and sharing resources, they increase their resistance to threats
- @ValaAfshar: 11 years ago some guy named Mark Zuckerberg talks about his new company. He is now 4th richest person in the world.
- Bernard Marr: In China, the government is rolling out a social credit score that aggregates not only a citizen’s financial worthiness, but also how patriotic he or she is, what they post on social media, and who they socialize with
- @Carnage4Life: Facebook is valued at $326 billion and worth more than Exxon Mobil. Remember when people freaked out at $15B value?
- @Nick_Craver: High levels of efficiency at scale aren't one thing; it's a thousand things. Many we haven't really shared in detail...and we should.
- 2BuellerBells: Things to reinvent: Event loops (done!) Unix (In progress!) Erlang (est. 5 years)
- @LusciousPear: I'm consistently seeing GETs from @googlecloud storage 2-5x faster than S3. niiiice
- Kevin Old: The future looks mighty scalable.
- @BenedictEvans: All curation grows until it requires search. All search grows until it requires curation.
- @Carnage4Life: Google has 7 services with 1B monthly active users; Gmail, Search, Chrome, Android, Maps, YouTube and Google Play
- @jmhodges: That's 1.3 million unique domains in a single day. Yesterday. Let's Encrypt is doing a thing.
- @danielbryantuk: "60% percent of app users rate performance/response time ahead of features" @grabnerandi #OOP2016
- @tdeekens: Sometimes Monoliths don’t get enough respect. They’re part of our revenue system allowing us to build Microservices. They gave us a business
- Searching for the Algorithms Underlying Life: Valiant’s self-stated goal is to find “mathematical definitions of learning and evolution which can address all ways in which information can get into systems.” If successful, the resulting “theory of everything”...would literally fuse life science and computer science together.
- @mountain_ghosts: 1995: the information superhighway will mean anyone can do anything from anywhere 2015: must be willing to relocate to San Francisco
- Fingerprinting made burglars put on gloves. CCTV made kids pull their hoods up. Spying made honest people use encryption. Forensics: What Bugs, Burns, Prints, DNA and More Tell Us About Crime.
- So that's what bandwidth means. ucaetano: The bandwidth doesn't depend on the frequency you're occupying, but on the amount of spectrum available: you "usually" get in the order of 1 bps for every Hz of spectrum available for mobile: a 20Mz chunk of spectrum will give you ~20Mbps, no matter if it is 700MHz or 5 GHz. Higher frequencies have awful penetration and range, that's why today you define who wins in the mobile game by the amount of 700MHz and 800MHz spectrum they own. In other words, lower frequency spectrum is (within certain limits) always better.
- Even spies have limits. Optic Nerve: millions of Yahoo webcam images intercepted by GCHQ. A British surveillance agency suffered the indignity of only saving images every five minutes from user feeds to reduce server load. My kingdom for a cloud! Why? They needed data to train their face recognition algorithms. That's what happens if you aren't Google.
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