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Hey, this is no joke, it's HighScalability time:

A glorious
battle in EVE. Tens of thousands of pilots fighting tens of thousands of pilots in a real time all on a single shard.
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- $9.3B: punishment for Google's temerity of using Java; 200: computer scientists and neuroscientists at Google’s DeepMind; 22: cores in Intel's new Xeon E5-2600 V4 CPU; 12: fold boost in spectrum efficiency over current 4G cellular technology using a massive antenna system;
- Quotable Quotes:
- Linus Torvalds: I’m not a big visionary. I’m a very plodding pedestrian engineer, and I try to keep my eyes firmly on the ground. I’ll let others make the big predictions about where we’ll be in 5, 10 or 25 years
- theymos: "Core" doesn't think anything because it's not any sort of unified organization.
- whalesalad: We are running Kubernetes in production at FarmLogs and LOVE it.
- @StackPointCloud: The operational complexity associated with monitoring containers is multiplied given the 1:N relationship of host:containers. #NYCK8s
- hu6Bi5To: AWS is significantly more expensive like-for-like, but it's worth remembering that you wouldn't architect your whole system that way if you were targeting AWS.
- Demis Hassabis [DeepMind]: We don't think just observing is enough for intelligence, you also have to act. Ultimately that’s the only way you can really understand the world.
- @inottawa: @TeslaMotors can't login to mytesla. Any chance in scaling up those servers?
- Adrian Colyer: Cliffhanger can achieve the same hit rate with 45% less memory capacity. When memory is one of the most expensive resources in the datacenter, that’s definitely significant!
- Google: We showed how Cloud Dataflow users no longer have to worry about specifying the number of workers or partitions, and how Cloud Dataflow dynamically adjusts the number of workers over time.
- @PandoDaily: The switch to subscription has meant huge growth for Adobe
- spriggan3: You're not hip enough anymore, the new good practice in the valley is femtoservices. Each statement running on its own server.
- @adrianco: If you are confused about the Tesla Model 3 "launch" think of it as a huge $1000 Kickstarter project
- Baidu: Our algorithm is able to use crowd data from Baidu maps to predict how many people will be [at a certain location] in the next two hours
- @robertoglezcano: By 2020, 80% of people around the world (6 billion) will own a smartphone
- @adrianco: Let me know when you run a 1000 node Cassandra cluster on Kubernetes :-)
- Seph Skerritt: The algorithm doesn’t care what you really are. It matters what you choose, and what you think you are.
- @JimPethokoukis: "Last year, YouTube and sites like it generated $385 million in royalties ... vinyl records brought in $416 million"
- @gigastacey: "Customers press a Dash button once every minute of the day."
- Julian Baggini: One of the paradoxes of creativity is that originality tends towards sameness and similarity. What makes a Wagner opera stand out from others is also what makes it unmistakably Wagnerian.
- Grant Jensen: In this study, we revealed the beautiful complexity of this machine, [which] be the strongest motor known in nature. The machine lets M. xanthus, a predatory bacterium, move across a field to form a ‘wolf pack’ with other M. xanthus cells, and hunt together for other bacteria on which to prey
- Chamath Palihapitiya: AWS is a tax on the compute economy. so whether you care about mobile apps, consumer apps, IoT, SaaS etc etc, more companies than not will be using AWS vs building their own infrastructure. ecommerce was AMZN's way to dogfood aws, and continue to do so so that it was mission grade. if you believe that over time the software industry is a multi, deca trillion industry, then ask yourself how valuable a company would be who taxes the majority of that industry.
- This is spooky. Google does know everything but it's AI that makes that knowledge manifest in the world. Google shocked this man by offering sympathy on the death of his father: Google Now was offering him condolences on the death of his dad before showing him what could be emotionally charged photos. "Mind. Blown. I'm sad, I'm amazed, I'm taken back. What a lovely moment for some automated robot voice to express it's sympathy to me," he said.
- Stack Overflow still does the mostest with the leastest. Nick Craver with a great post on Stack Overflow: The Hardware - 2016 Edition. Sure, there's a lot of hardware porn (with pics), but Nick's mental checklist of the process he goes through to help determine what to order is really insightful. It's too big to include here, but some highlights: Is this a scale up or scale out problem? (Are we buying one bigger machine, or a few smaller ones?); How much redundancy do we need/want? (How much headroom and failover capability?); Will this server/application touch disk? (Do we need anything besides the spinny OS drives?). Also, an interesting analysis by hu6Bi5To of what Stack Overflow might look like on AWS. Less hardware redundancy, less always on capacity, more geographical redundancy.
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