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This is a guest repost by Ken Fromm, a 3x tech co-founder — Vivid Studios, Loomia, and Here's Part 1 and 2 and 3.
This post is the last of a four-part series of that will dive into developing applications in a serverless way. These insights are derived from several years working with hundreds of developers while they built and operated serverless applications and functions.
The platform was the serverless platform from but these lessons can also apply to AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions, Azure Functions, and IBM’s OpenWhisk project.
Arriving at a good definition of cloud IT security is difficult especially in the context of highly scalable distributed systems like those found in serverless platforms. The purpose of this post is to not to provide an exhaustive set of principles but instead highlight areas that developers, architects, and security officers might wish to consider when evaluating or setting up serverless platforms.
Serverless Processing — Similar But Different
High-scale task processing is certainly not a new concept in IT as it has parallels that date back to the days of job processing on mainframes. The abstraction layer provided by serverless process — in combination with large-scale cloud infrastructure and advanced container technologies — does, however, bring about capabilities that are markedly different than even just a few years ago.
By plugging into an serverless computing platforms, developers do not need to provision resources based on current or anticipated loads or put great effort into planning for new projects. Working and thinking at the task level means that developers are not paying for resources they are not using. Also, regardless of the number of projects in production or in development, developers using serverless processing do not have to worry about managing resources or provisioning systems.
While serving as’s security officer, I answered a number of security questionnaires from customers. One common theme is that they were all in need of a serious update to bring them forward into this new world. Very few had any accommodation for cloud computing much less serverless processing.
Most questionnaires still viewed servers as persistent entities needing constant care and feeding. They presumed physical resources as opposed to virtualization, autoscaling, shared resources, and separation of concerns. Their questions lack differentiation between data centers and development and operation centers. A few still asked for the ability to physically inspect data centers which is, by and large, not really an option these days. And very few addressed APIs, logging, data persistence, or data retention.
The format of the sections below follows the order found in many of these security questionnaires as well as several cloud security policies. The order has been flipped a bit to start with areas where developers can have an impact. Later sections will address platform and system issues which teams will want to be aware of but are largely in the domain of serverless platforms and infrastructure providers.
Security Topics
Data Security