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Hey, it's HighScalability time:
10,000 marvelous
classic movie posters documenting a period in US history even Black Mirror could not imagine.
If you like this sort of Stuff then please support me on Patreon. And I'd appreciate your recommending my new book—Explain the Cloud Like I'm 10—to anyone who needs to understand the cloud (who doesn't?). I think they'll like it. Now with twice the brightness and new chapters on Netflix and Cloud Computing.
- $172 billion: amount Hackers stole in 2017; $100B: Netflix's value; 400G: ethernet; 2005: resurrection of a NASA satellite; 800: kilograms of oil equivalent needed per capita per year;
- Quotable Quotes:
Edgar D. Mitchell: You develop an instant global consciousness, a people orientation, an intense dissatisfaction with the state of the world, and a compulsion to do something about it. From out there on the moon, international politics look so petty. You want to grab a politician by the scruff of the neck and drag him a quarter of a million miles out and say, ‘Look at that, you son of a bitch.”
Laura Gilmore: It wasn’t by accident that I ended up working on robots in a cheese factory.
A. Maurits van der Veen: In the end, it was the very strength of the social network connecting bulb traders, new and old alike, that made the bubble possible. All this implies that the tulip mania deserves to retain its position as a classic financial bubble. However, it also suggests that the lessons to be drawn from the bubble are less about a spectacular rise in prices followed by a collapse than about the social structures within which the market is embedded.
@BenedictEvans: "It is somewhat ridiculous to suppose that the invention of a motor car can render horses less necessary to man" - Saddlery and Harness magazine, 1895
Pablo Meier: My not-useful takeaway from these reckons is that what you need is modularity, not microservices. If you replaced “each team publishes a library with a stable API to something like Artifactory” instead of “each team runs and monitors n services,” you get many of the same team structure benefits of microservices with a lot less of the technical hassle.
David Vye: The ability to spin a skater through 360 degrees in high definition requires that the system be able to deliver 400 megabytes per second
@garybernhardt: My 133 MHz computer in the late 90s could run chat without a performance impact on the rest of the system. Greetings from 1998, which is the future where computers are fast!
@typesfast: I’m in Seattle and there is currently a line to shop at the grocery store whose entire premise is that you won’t have to wait in line.
@bascule: It's 2032: the Internet now runs at dialup speeds because the rest of the bandwidth is used for blockchains. We've gone back to candles because electricity that was used for lighting is now used for mining. 2D gaming is back in because GPUs are too expensive.
Mike Orcutt: The researchers found that the top four Bitcoin-mining operations had more than 53 percent of the system’s average mining capacity, measured on a weekly basis. Mining for Ethereum was even more consolidated: three miners accounted for 61 percent of the system’s average weekly capacity.
Lily Chen: Among women who join the tech industry, 56 percent leave by mid-career, which is double the attrition rate for men.
@GossiTheDog: Just had a threat briefing from a leading cyber security company on Skyfall and Solace, two new CPU vulnerabilities with a website and logos. Didn’t have heart to tell them it’s a hoax.
@johnrobb: “The new generation doesn’t have time to watch television anymore, even I don’t buy newspapers. The News Feed, I can see quickly.”
bryan4tw: Nah, you're doing it wrong. We spin up 3x t2.large instances, and an elb. We have a script that installs apache and mysql on each server, then copies the files, and builds the mysql database from a backup on the dev's machine. edit Make sure to manually assign the right elastic IPs to the new instances too, because the script deploys to specific IP addresses! /edit Every change requires an entire rebuild of the environment, sometimes multiple changes per hour. It doesn't matter that the site is completely static once deployed, we need mysql on the instance so it loads faster and gets a higher page rank. There are 7 or 8 sites hosted like this. It costs us like $2000/month. It's enterprise grade; you can tell by the price.
- People on the internet didn't have much to say this week. I guess everyone is at Davos.
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