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Hey, it's HighScalability time:


Scaling fake ratings. A 5 star 10,000 phone Chinese click farm. (English Russia)

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  • 1.6x: better deep learning cluster scheduling on k8s; 100,000: Large-scale Diverse Driving Video Database; 3rd: reddit popularity in the US; 50%: increase in Neural Information Processing System papers, AI bubble? 420 tons: leafy greens from robot farms; 75%: average unused storage on EBS volumes; 12TB: RAM on new Azure M-series VM; 10%: premium on Google's single-tenant nodes; $7.5B: Microsoft's cost of courting developers; 100th: flip-flop invention anniversary; 1 million: playlist dataset from Spotify; 38GB torrent: Stackoverflow public database; 85%: teens use YouTube; 20%-25%: costs savings using Aurora; 80%: machine learning Ph.D.s work at Google or Facebook; 18: years of NASA satellite data; >1TB: Ethereum blockchain; 200,000 trillion: IBM's super computer calculations per second; 

  • Quotable Quotes:
    • Michael Pollan: “I have no doubt that all that Hubbard LSD all of us had taken had a big effect on the birth of Silicon Valley.”
    • @hisham_hm: Strongly disagree. Most of use who started coding in the 80s started with BASIC. We turned out just fine. The first thing that your first language should teach you is the _joy of coding_.
    • @bryanmikaelian: OH: GraphQL is SOAP for millennials
    • @JoeEmison: Another thing that serverless architectures change: how do you software development. I find myself using a local dev environment to do infra config mgmt, but then often use the web consoles for writing functions and testing; so much faster that way.
    • Jürgen Schmidhuber: And now we can see that all of civilisation is just a flash in world history. In just a flash, the guy who had the first agriculture was almost the same guy who had the first spacecraft in 1957. And soon we are going to have the first AIs that really deserve the name, the first true AIs.
    • Dave Snowden~ A key principle of complex design is shift a system to an adjacent possible. Once there's enough stability more conventional approaches can be used. Architect for discovery before architecting for delivery. Starting with delivery misses the discovery phases which misses opportunities as well as threats. Fractal engagement is they way to achieve change. People don't make decisions about what other people do. People make decision about what they can do tomorrow within their own sphere of influence. The system as a whole orientates through multiple actions. You scale be decomposition and recombination, not through aggregation, and not by imitation.
    • Alex Lindsay: When possibility is greater than circumstance you get action.
    • Andrew Barron: These are all this family of traits that at one time were considered to be the thing that separated humans from all other animals, and then was slowly recognized to appear in primates and then large-brained mammals. And then suddenly we’re recognizing that something like a honey bee, with less than a million neurons, is able to do all of these things.
    • John Hennessy & David Patterson~ We're entering a new golden age [in processors]. The end of Dennard Scaling and Moore's Law means architecture is where we have to innovate to improve performance, cost, and energy. Rasing the level of abstraction using Domain Specific Languages makes it easier for programmers and architects to innovate. Domain Specific Architectures are getting 20x and 40x improvements, not just 5-10%.
    • Hungry for more? Get a plate, click through, and pile it high.

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