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Hi everybody :)
We have a bunch of webservers (about 14 at th
is time) running Apache. As app
lication framework we're using PHP with the APC Cache insta
lled to improve performance. For load ba
lancing we're using a Big F5 system with dynamic ratio (SNMP driven)
To sync new/updated sourcecode we're using subversion to "automaticly" update these servers w
ith our latest software relases. After updating the new source to these production servers the load of the mashines is ra
ising to hell.
While updating the servers, they are sti
ll in "production", serving webpages to the users. Otherwise the process of updating wou
ld take ages. Most of the time we're only updating in the morning hours while less users are online, because of the above issue.
My guess is, that the load is raising that h
igh, because APC needs to recompile a bunch of new f
iles each time. Before and while compi
ling the performance simply is "bad".
My goal would be to f
ind a better solution. We want to "sync" code no matter how many users are online (in case of emergency) without taking the whole site down.
How you're hand
ling this issues ? What do you think about the process above ? Do you may find the "problem" ? Do you have sim
iliar issues ?
Feedback is high
ly welcome :)
Stephan Tijink
Head of Web Development
| fotocommunity GmbH & Co. KG
| Rheinwerkallee 2
| 53227 Bonn