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what is j2ee stack

I see everyone talk about lamp stack is less than j2ee stack .i m newbie can anyone plz explain what is j2ee stack

Reader Comments (3)

Actually, the two aren't directly comparable. LAMP refers to the entire software stack: the OS: Linux; the web server: Apache; the database: mysql; and the app layer: PHP, Python, or even Perl. J2EE, OTOH, is only an app layer.

The acronym LAMP evolved to describe a observed phenomenon: that many new websites were getting up and running quickly, easily, effectively, and affordable, using a remarkably homogenous software stack. People needed a way to refer to this approach/phenomenon, so LAMP was coined.

Since no similar phenomenon ever occurred with Java web development, there isn't really a common stack - at least not one common enough to to attain a moniker.

That said, you may just be looking to understand what a typical Java web stack might be comprised of. If so, I'd describe it like so: OS: any; web server: any, Apache is common; database: any; app layer: any, Tomcat, Glassfish, Jetty, Websphere, Weblogic being common.

If I were looking to make a website using Java, I might use Jetty; it's a web server and Servlet/JSP engine all in one. I'm also using the excellent Restlet with the embedded HTTP server Simple to build REST web services.

Avi Flax - avif@arc90.com
Arc90 - http://arc90.com
New York

December 31, 1999 | Unregistered CommenterAvi Flax

Hopefully this page will notify me if there's a reply...

Avi Flax » Partner » avif@arc90.com
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December 31, 1999 | Unregistered Commenteravi4now

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