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a8cjdbc - update verision 1.3

The new version of a8cjdbc finished some limitations. Now Clobs and Blobs are supported, and some fixes using binary data. The version was also fully tested with Postgres and mySQL.

Since Version 1.3 there is also a free trail version for download available. Check it out and test yourself...

Take a look at: http://www.activ8.at/homepage/en/a8cjdbc.php

I've downloaded the latest version and setup a environment with one virtual database and two database backends.
I tried to make a "non real life szenario": The first backend was a Postgres node, the second was a mySQL node.
Everything works fine - failover - recoverylog, etc... with to different backend database types.

So check out the trial version and test yourself the clustered driver and give me some results about your experience with a8cjdbc.
As I only tested mySQL and Postgres (and the non real life szenario with two different backend types) - maybe someone else have experiences with out databases?


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