Product: Sequoia Database Clustering Technology

Sequoia is a transparent middleware solution offering clustering, load balancing and failover services for any database. Sequoia is the continuation of the C-JDBC project. The database is distributed and replicated among several nodes and Sequoia balances the queries among these nodes. Sequoia handles node and network failures with transparent failover. It also provides support for hot recovery, online maintenance operations and online upgrades.
Features in a nutshell
Sequoia is the core technology providing database clustering capabilities. It is composed of a controller implementing the RAIDb (Redundant Array of Inexpensive Databases)∞ technology.
Sequoia controllers are replicated for HA and scalability purposes. Controllers use group communication to synchronize the cluster. Hedera∞ is a group communication wrapper that can be plugged to work with multiple group communication implementations such as Appia∞, JGroups or Spread.
Sequoia comes with a JDBC driver for Java application. Additional drivers for PHP, Perl, ODBC∞, MySQL native API∞ and C/C++ applications are also provided through the Carob project∞. with transparent failover capabilities.
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