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Useful Cloud Computing Blogs

Update 2: Overcast: Conversations on Cloud Computing. Listened to the first two podcasts and they're doing a great job. Worth a look. The singing and dance routines are way over the top however :-)
Update: 9 Sources of Cloud Computing News You May Not Know About by James Urquhart. I folded in these recommendations.

Can't get enough cloud computing? Then you must really be a glutton for punishment! But just in case, here are some cloud computing resources, collected from various sources, that will help you transform into a Tesla silently flying solo down the diamond lane.

Meta Sources

  • Cloud Computing Email List: An often lively email list discussing cloud computing.
  • Cloud Computing Blogs & Resources. An excellent and big list of cloud resources.
  • Cloud Computing Portal: A community edited database for making the vendor selection process easier.
  • List of Cloud Platforms, Providers, and Enablers.
  • datacenterknowledge.com's Recap: More than 70 Industry Blogs : A nice set of blog's for: Data Center, Web Hosting, Content Delivery Network (CDN), Cloud Computing
  • Cloud Computing Wiki: A cloud computing wiki started by participants of the cloud email list.

    Specific Blogs

  • Cloud Computing on Twitter : Geva Perry's Big List of People Who Twitter About Cloud Computing
  • Overcast: Conversations on Cloud Computing : Podcast series on cloud computing by James Urquhart and Geva Perry.
  • James Urquhart's The Wisdom of Clouds : Cloud Computing and Utility Computing for the Enterprise and the Individual. James writes great articles and has a regular can't miss links style post summarizing much of what you need need to know in cloud world.
  • http://Blog.RightScale.com: Cloud Computing. Delivered.
  • Randy Bias's Cloudscaling: State of the Art for Startups.
  • http://elasticserver.blogspot.com/: Elastic Server - CohesiveFT team blog.
  • Nicholas Carr's Roughtype : Author of The Big Switch: Rewiring the World From Edison to Google.
  • Christofer Hoff 's Rational Survivability: Ramblings about Information Survivability, Information Centricity, Risk Management and Disruptive Innovation. Oh, I have a fondness for virtualization, too..
  • Tim Freeman's Virtualization and Grid Computing: Primary developer of the Virtual Workspaces project.
  • Kent Langley's ProductionScale: Scalable Web Infrastructure and Technology Operations.
  • Kevin Jackson's Cloud Musings: Personal comments and insight on cloud computing and it relationship to net-centric warfare.
  • GoGrid Blog: Blog with product and industry news related to Cloud Computing and GoGrid.
  • John Willis' IT Management and Cloud Blog: Personal comments and podcasts.
  • Bert Armijo's Head In The Clouds: SVP at 3tera, includes product info as well as comments on industry events
  • Ross Cooney's SpoutingShite: MD of Rozmic. Cloud computing, email and spam.
  • TodoOnDemand: Blog about SaaS, Cloud Computing, On Demand Software, Business models, etc...
  • Jason Meiers' CAM Blog Monitoring composite applications for cloud computing blog.
  • Sam Johnston: Random rants about tech stuff.
  • Jian Zhen's and Michael Mucha's On SaaS
  • Dana Gardner's BriefingsDirect
  • Cloud - Web and Service Cloud
  • Virtualization and Grid Computing: On distributed computing, VMs, Globus, Xen, Nimbus, and other technology.
  • Reuven Cohen's ElasticVapor Blog. The ramblings of Reuven Cohen, co-Founder & CTO Enomaly Inc.
  • ENKI Blog: Managed Cloud Computing Blog.
  • Cirrhus9's and M-E Consulting's Working in the Cloud: Cloud computing solutions for the world - or at least for Southern California.
  • Craig Balding's Cloud Security Blog: This blog is dedicated to Cloud Computing and Security.
  • Dell's Cloud Computing Blog
  • Chirag Mehta's Cloud Computing Blog: Architecture, strategy, design, and innovation ramblings.
  • GigaOm's Infrastructure Blog
  • Markus Klems' Cloudy Times Blog
  • Geva Perry's Thinking Out Cloud: Cloud Computing, Grids, Everything-as-a-Service and more.
  • James Hamilton's Perspective Blog
  • SearchDataCenter.com’s Server Farming Blog: Discusses the latest in server hardware, systems management, Unix-Linux-Wintel operating systems and large distributed computing systems
  • William Vambenepe's blog: IT management in a changing IT world
  • Toon Vanagt's virtualization.com/
  • Data Center Knowledge: News and analysis about data centers, managed hosting and disaster recovery.
  • Nati Shalom's Blog: Discussions about middleware and distributed technologies.
  • Appistry Blogs: At the convergence of Grid Computing, Virtualization and SOA
  • Dan Kusnetzky's & Paula Rooney's Virtually Speaking
  • Phil Wainewright's : Software as Services
  • Grid Gurus: helping realize the value from cluster, distributed and grid computing.
  • Joyent's Blog: Cloud computing vendor.
  • Grid Designer's Blog: Consulting firm specializing exclusively in "extreme" applications and systems.
  • Rob Thorsten's Why Amazon’s RightScale Blog: Primarily talks about Amazon, but there's a lot of good general cloud info too.
  • On-Demand Enterprise: tracks the greater on-demand world beyond.
  • Google Alerts: "Cloud Computing" | "Utility Computing"
  • Jian Zhen's and Michael Mucha's cloudfeed.net: An automated feed of cloud computing and SaaS related stories.
  • On-Demand Enterprise's Cloud Computing Topic: Excellent coverage in the vendor coverage, traditional enterprise data center software. and virtualization space.
  • TechCrunchIT: dedicated to obsessively profiling products and companies in the Enterprise Technology space.
  • iHeavy by Sean Hull - Solid information on EC2, Linux, MySQL and Scalability.

    Know any other good blog's that should be on this list?
  • Reader Comments (49)

    Can you release this list as an OPML so it'll be easier to subscribe to all of them? Thanks!

    December 31, 1999 | Unregistered CommenterRobert Scoble

    People in Facebook are invited to join the Cloud Computing group:

    Currently there are more than 260 members and more than 1,100 posted news items!

    December 31, 1999 | Unregistered CommenterGuy Tel-Zur

    I would like to add Joyent's blog to the list as well. http://www.joyeur.com We are the official host of Ruby on Rails and the largest application we have running does over 1 billion page views per month.


    December 31, 1999 | Unregistered CommenterKristen

    Sort of strange that http://blog.griddynamics.com">Grid Dynamics blog is not in the list.

    December 31, 1999 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

    I can't believe it either. Only an idiot could have been so thoughtless.

    December 31, 1999 | Unregistered CommenterTodd Hoff

    Might you also care to include http://blog.mor.ph">blog.mor.ph? In case you haven't heard of it, http://www.mor.ph">Morph Labs is a leading 'completely managed hosting solutions' provider for Rails, Java and Grails.


    December 31, 1999 | Unregistered Commenterfriarminor

    Friends - You might also want to check out http://www.on-demandenterprise.com/blogs/ for the "Essence of On-Demand" blog by Derrick Harris (former editor of GRIDtoday). He provides commentary, feature articles, and current news on real-time computing. Articles focus on topics such as scalability, flexibility, availability, dynamism, low latency, utility computing, high efficiency and other "on-demand" capabilities. Technologies like cloud computing, grid computing, virtualization and data caching have already proved themselves in terms of performance, ROI and competitive
    advantage and On-Demand Enterprise will continue to cover these technologies as they evolve. Free subscriptions are also available online at www.on-demandenterpise.com.

    December 31, 1999 | Unregistered CommenterDWAL

    if you can read spanish, my blog can be a good reference to follow all the news about cloud computing in our language.



    December 31, 1999 | Unregistered CommenterJames Grid

    I would like to add Kunal's blog to this list. It is up and coming and talks a little bit about vendors and soucring for clouds.


    December 31, 1999 | Unregistered CommenterAbhay Gupta

    I'd recommend adding the http://www.theappgap.com/ which covers cloud computing apps. How will "Work 2.0" be built.

    December 31, 1999 | Unregistered CommenterJim Salem

    Here is great blog entry I found on an interview with Run Gula about cloud computing and its security. I recommend checking it out.. http://www.carpathiahosting.com/carpathia-blog/archives/25

    December 31, 1999 | Unregistered CommenterElise

    I have started a cloud computing site as well, and wanted to make people aware of it.

    Please visit the site, and help us educate people on Real Cloud Computing.



    December 31, 1999 | Unregistered CommenterPaul

    It’s easy to see why cloud computing - in all its forms - continues to gain momentum. Users can work anywhere and, if your computer breaks or your laptop is stolen, you won’t lose any data. We have just published an article on cloud computing here: http://www.zeta.net/blog/2009/01/what-cloud-computing-means-for-you/

    December 31, 1999 | Unregistered Commentersam

    http://hostedftp.wordpress.com has some good information.

    December 31, 1999 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

    Almost all the links above are educational about Cloud Computing, and super useful as this industry gets out of diapers. In the mean time, SOASTA is a favored customer of most of the "leading" cloud platforms (e.g. Amazon), flexing their models by delivering web-scale testing to 100s of customers huge to small to validate high-scalability, performance, and reliability in ways simply impossible prior to cloud computing.

    All the tough problems are being worked out by the usual suspect for wide-scale enterprise cloud deployment. I'd like to hear from/see more cloud customer blogs and posts discussing the areas where CC helps solve real problems TODAY!

    Cloud Corner Blog: http://www.soasta.com/blog/

    December 31, 1999 | Unregistered CommenterBrad Johnson

    I've been getting some good feedback on my blog for my Cloud Computing class at Berkeley:
    Feel free to comment, tear my thoughts to pieces, etc.

    December 31, 1999 | Unregistered CommenterPete Perlegos

    there is a new blog about cloud computing: http://thenextbigcloud.blogspot.com

    December 31, 1999 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

    Hi, good list to follow! We are in the cloud testing and virtualization space and are starting to post a copious amount on Cloud Computing here:


    December 31, 1999 | Unregistered CommenterJason English

    How about www.cloudstoragestrategy.com by Steve Lesem and Gray Hall?

    December 31, 1999 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

    The Cloud is proving it's power for cloud testing every day. Intuit tested most of march with SOASTA CloudTest to assure satisfaction for a few hundred thousand users a day prior to Tax Day. They tested to 200%+ of their expected simultaneous user, IN PRODUCTION. Case study here - http://www.soasta.com/successstories/index.html#intuit

    December 31, 1999 | Unregistered CommenterBrad Johnson

    Please update my entry: Randy Bias NeoTactics -> Randy Bias, Cloudscaling as I re-branded the blog recently.



    December 31, 1999 | Unregistered CommenterRandy Bias

    My bad... Please change the URL to http://cloudscaling.com and remove the 'state of the art for startups' tagline. Thx.

    December 31, 1999 | Unregistered CommenterRandy Bias

    I'd like to add our ElasticHosts blog at http://www.elastichosts.com/blog/ - we're a UK cloud infrastructure provider.

    December 31, 1999 | Unregistered CommenterRichard Davies

    Thanks for the list.

    Add tellitec-solutions.com/blog to your list


    December 31, 1999 | Unregistered CommenterBill

    Thanks for sharing the list, very good work.....


    December 31, 1999 | Unregistered Commenterdavid_howard

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