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Deploying MySQL Database in Solaris Cluster Environments

MySQL™ database, an open source database, delivers high performance and reliability while keeping costs low by eliminating licensing fees. The Solaris™ Cluster product is an integrated hardware and software environment that can be used to create highly-available data services. This article explains how to deploy the MySQL database in a Solaris Cluster environment. The article addresses the following topics:

* "Advantages of Deploying MySQL Database with Solaris Cluster" on page 1 discusses the benefits provided by a Solaris Cluster deployment of the MySQL database.
* "Overview of Solaris Cluster" on page 2 provides a high-level description of the hardware and software components of the Solaris Cluster.
* "Installation and Configuration" on page 8 explains the procedure for deploying the MySQL database on a Solaris Cluster.

This article assumes that readers have a basic understanding of Solaris Cluster and MySQL database installation and administration.

Reader Comments (3)

Is it me, or are these posts starting to sound more like sales pitches?

December 31, 1999 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

"sound like"?. At first a thought someone hacked the page and pasted in some random press releases.

December 31, 1999 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

Thanks for posting this review. I’m an experienced web designer/developer but reasonably new to databases as MySQL so I appreciate you including the well-known stuff as well.
I really enjoy your posts - they’re simple, beautiful and yet packed with information.

December 31, 1999 | Unregistered CommenterAdam

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