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How to measure memory required for a user session


What are the practices followed, tools used to measure session memory requirement per user?


Reader Comments (3)


Do you mean memory to manage sessions or how much memory is used in a session?

December 31, 1999 | Unregistered Commenteratif.ghaffar

Unmesh, i doubt that you mean how much memory is uses by a session server.
So I am going to concentrate on the next version.

Lets see for example.
A person loads a page xyz.com
Logs in to xyz.com/user
makes a post top xyz.com/posts/blah/x
makes a comment to xyz.com/posts/abc/1
does not like the answer from someone else to his post at xyz.com/posts/abc/1 and blogs about it to

if this is what you mean than its a bit difficult to measure then to measure how much memory is used in creating a session.

Let us know which one do you think it is so we may be able to comment on it.

best regard

December 31, 1999 | Unregistered Commenteratif.ghaffar

Get a load simulator, and start measuring your heap size. If nothing else, top(1), prstat(1M), or Windows Task Manager will tell you how big the process(es) is/are.

December 31, 1999 | Unregistered Commenter(nobody)

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