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Forum sort order


I noticed the default sort order for the forum is to show the posts with the most replies first. That seems a bit odd for a forum. Would it not make sense to show the posts with the most recently replies first?

It is possible to re-sort the forum threads that way by clicking on the "Last post" header (twice). It would seem like a more sensible default.

I've checked and I see the same behaviour as both a registered (logged in) and anonymous user.

Cheers - Callum.

Reader Comments (3)

It was actually set to "most active first" I changed it to "newest first". We'll see if that makes a difference :-)

December 31, 1999 | Unregistered CommenterTodd Hoff

Aha, it has indeed. As both a registered and anonymous user I now see the most recently updated threads at the top of the list. :)

Cheers - http://www.callum-macdonald.com/" title="Callum" target="_blank">Callum

December 31, 1999 | Unregistered Commenterchmac

New here and first post.
I am man, 24 years old from France
I hope to enjoy here.

October 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterroryPrebterse

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