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A picture is realy worth a thousand word, and also a window in time...

Photograpic picture to me is window, an address to that specific moment what do your think about that?

Reader Comments (2)

When I think about that.. two movies come to mind deja vu and that movie that robin williams plays in, where he invented a machine that can access your memory from day one, can quite remember the name of the movie though.... this concept of a photograph being a mobile address to that capture moment in time is the future...who would of thought that you can capture image and sound in a plastic film...that's amazing....two thousand years ago you couldn't explain to a roman citizen T.V., computers, airplanes, etc...and likewise we know not the technology or should I say biology because we are quickly learning that things compute and operate like the tools we use such as cars, a car need gas like we need food, it needs air, it's balance, engineered to last a certain amount of time. Unlike us a car, is not quite living though. Life renews itself constantly, with water, nutrients, and chemicals...anyways one day we will be able to access photographs like internet addresses. Oh yeah! another good movie that entertain this concept is that one where that dude kept on going back in time by looking at his old diary and old pictures.......Constant

December 31, 1999 | Unregistered Commenterconstant_e

Wow - what were you smoking?

December 31, 1999 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

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