Thursday, September 17, 2009 at 4:11AM
Save 25% on Hadoop Conference Tickets
Apache Hadoop is a hot technology getting traction all over the enterprise and in the Web 2.0 world. Now, there's going to be a conference dedicated to learning more about Hadoop. It'll be Friday, October 2 at the Roosevelt Hotel in New York City.
Hadoop World, as it's being called, will be the first Hadoop event on the east coast. Morning sessions feature talks by Amazon, Cloudera, Facebook, IBM, and Yahoo! Then it breaks out into three tracks: applications, development / administration, and extensions / ecosystems. In addition to the conference itself, there will also be 3 days of training prior to the event for those looking to go deeper. In addition to general sessions speakers, presenters include Hadoop project creator Doug Cutting, as well as experts on large-scale data from Intel, Rackspace, Softplayer, eHarmony, Supermicro, Impetus, Booz Allen Hamilton, Vertica,, and other companies.
Readers get a 25% discount if you register by Sept. 21:
Essential storage tradeoff: Simple Reads vs. Simple Writes by Stephan Schmidt. Data in denormalized chunks is easy to read and complex to write.
Kickfire's approach to parallelism by DANIEL ABADI. Kickfire uses column-oriented storage and execution to address I/O bottlenecks and FPGA-based data-flow architecture to address processing and memory bottlenecks.
"Just in Time" Decompression in Analytic Databases by Michael Stonebraker. A DBMS that is optimized for compression through and through--especially with a query executor that features just in time decompression will not just reduce IO and storage overhead, but also offer better query performance with lower CPU resource utilization.
Reverse Proxy Performance – Varnish vs. Squid (Part 2) by Bryan Migliorisi. My results show that in raw cache hit performance, Varnish puts Squid to shame.
Building Scalable Databases: Denormalization, the NoSQL Movement and Digg by Dare Obasanjo. As a Web developer it's always a good idea to know what the current practices are in the industry even if they seem a bit too crazy to adopt…yet.
How To Make Life Suck Less (While Making Scalable Systems) by Bradford Stephens. Scalable doesn’t imply cheap or easy. Just cheaper and easier.
Some perspective to this DIY storage server mentioned at Storagemojo by by Joerg Moellenkamp. It's about making decision. Application and hardware has to be seen as one. When your application is capable to overcome the limitations and problems of such ultra-cheap storage

Reader Comments (1)
Thanks for posting my story at Road To Failure :) I'm open for new ideas/suggestions for essays!