Snooze - Open-source, Scalable, Autonomic, and Energy-efficient VM Management for Private Clouds

Snooze is an open-source, scalable, autonomic, and energy-efficient virtual machine (VM) management framework for private clouds. Similarly to other VM management frameworks such as Nimbus, OpenNebula, Eucalyptus, and OpenStack it allows to build compute infrastructures from virtualized resources. Particularly, once installed and configured users can submit and control the life-cycle of a large number of VMs. However, contrary to existing frameworks for scalability and fault tolerance, Snooze employs a self-organizing and healing (based on Apache ZooKeeper) hierarchical architecture. Moreover, it performs distributed VM management and is designed to be energy efficient. Therefore, it implements features to monitor and estimate VM resource (CPU, memory, network Rx, network Tx) demands, detect and resolve overload/underload situations, perform dynamic VM consolidation through live migration, and finally power management to save energy. Last but not least, it integrates a generic scheduler which allows to implement any VM placement algorithms. The system can be either used to manage production data centers or as an experimental testbed for advanced (i.e. requiring live migration support) VM placement algorithms.
Snooze is one of the core results of Eugen Feller`s PhD thesis under the supervision of Dr. Christine Morin at the INRIA MYRIADS project-team. The prototype has been verified on the Grid`5000 as well as on the EDF (Électricité de France) experimental testbeds. Results will be presented on well known international conferences IEEE CLOUD and CCGrid 2012. The design and development was funded by the French Agence Nationale de la Recherce (ANR) project EcoGrappe under the contract number ANR-08-SEGI-008-02.
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