How To Make an Infinitely Scalable Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)

This is a guest post by Mark Travis, Founder of InfiniSQL.
InfiniSQL is the specific "Infinitely Scalable RDBMS" to which the title refers. It is free software, and instructions for getting, building, running and testing it are available in the guide. Benchmarking shows that an InfiniSQL cluster can handle over 500,000 complex transactions per second with over 100,000 simultaneous connections, all on twelve small servers. The methods used to test are documented, and the code is all available so that any practitioner can achieve similar results. There are two main characteristics which make InfiniSQL extraordinary:
- It performs transactions with records on multiple nodes better than any clustered/distributed RDBMS
- It is free, open source. Not just a teaser "community" version with the good stuff proprietary. The community version of InfiniSQL will also be the enterprise version, when it is ready.
InfiniSQL is still in early stages of development--it already has many capabilities, but many more are necessary for it to be useful in a production environment.
Who Would Do This Sort of Thing?
My career background is available on LinkedIn. I've done capacity planning, systems engineering, performance engineering, and so forth for some pretty big transaction processing environments, where a few seconds of downtime costs tens of thousands of customer dollars. Baby-sitting that kind of environment taught me that traditional enterprise database infrastructure is a terrible match for modern environments that need to be up 24x7, grow continuously, and rapidly respond to new business needs. This is really a typical story--we all know that systems designed in the 70's are no match for today's needs. So I decided to build something that is suitable for modern transaction processing environments.
Intended Users/Use Cases
I'm sure that most readers of High Scalability understand why new database architectures are so necessary, and many of us are also of the mind that faster and bigger are self-justifying values. We are like drag-racers. But it's important to know the use cases to help others learn how to take advantage of the great stuff we're building. In the case of InfiniSQL, there are a couple primary customer types, each with a variety of specific use cases. I'll just touch briefly on the customer types and how I see InfiniSQL solving business problems for them.
- Look no further than the example application cited in Design Decisions For Scaling Your High Traffic Feeds, which is a very recent entry on this site. Imagine there's no Part Two and Part Three, meaning that their original RDBMS of choice was able to perform "
select * from love where user_id in (...)
" well beyond 100M rows and 1M users. There'd be no need to design a new framework from scratch, or to rip and replace two back ends before settling on one that seems fine for the time being. InfiniSQL is capable of performing that kind of query. I haven't benchmarked that specific workload--but it's the type of thing that I designed InfiniSQL for: transactions with records distributed across multiple nodes.Successful Internet applications nearly inevitably grow out of the infrastructures with which they launched. An RDBMS is very often the initial database of choice--but workarounds are implemented, and entirely different architectures are implemented--all because the original database can't handle success. That is a very disruptive process. InfiniSQL is intended for any company that has RDBMS workloads, but who has been forced to implement workarounds because their original RDBMS didn't grow with the business. These workarounds include sharding of SQL databases and migrating some workloads to various NoSQL point solutions. In fact, InfiniSQL ought to be the database that companies start with--to avoid migration costs down the road.
- The other category of intended user for InfiniSQL includes those who have applications on monolithic platforms responsible for tens to hundreds of thousands of complex transactions per second. That kind of workload is difficult to move off of big box architectures. Companies of this type include credit card associations, travel reservation systems, and exchanges. These are not new business models. Their infrastructures have been chugging away for decades. Every operation that they perform represents a transfer of funds between (at least) two parties--they move people's money. Stability and data integrity are paramount values. InfiniSQL is capable of performing this type of workload at intended volumes and beyond, but on x86_64 servers running Linux instead of big, super-expensive platforms. InfiniSQL will scale further, in fact--because these big monolithic platforms run out of gas when the boxes they're in run out of expansion slots.
The Problem and its Cause (and a couple related issues)
(I'll redact taking credit for that blaring statement of the obvious if I can find somebody else who said it before me. Otherwise, I'll take it--everybody needs a quote, right? I'll take this one.)
The Problem is getting multiple nodes to all comprise a single database. This problem is easily illustrated by comparing static web servers with databases. It's trivial to scale web servers by simply mirroring their content on different boxes, and then spraying traffic at them in round-robin or some other fashion. Easy. But the same isn't so simple for databases. Take two boxes, and put your favorite database on them. Give each the same schemata. Then, connect to box A and insert a record--any old record. Then connect to box B and look for that record. Of course it's not there! That's the problem with scaling databases horizontally: the logic and data are all in the same box!
Locking Is Mostly Bad
Another problem with traditional database design when it comes to performance is locking. For the sake of data integrity, each worker (thread or process) locks regions of memory or storage associated with records that they operate upon. These are not high level data locks, such as row or table locks (though those can be problematic as well). No, these are implemented as mutexes or semaphores. Mutexes and semaphores are the way that multi-thread/process applications keep other threads/processes from stomping all over shared data. As lock contention for shared memory regions increase, performance degrades. A very likely indicator of lock contention is when the database is slow, but there's plenty of CPU available, and no I/O bottlenecks.
I/O Is Slow, No Matter How Fast It Is
Another big performance problem of traditional databases is the transaction log bottleneck. For the sake of Durability, traditional databases write all transactions that contain written records to the equivalent of a log file, in real time, before finishing a transaction. When the power goes out the data will still be there when the lights come back on. The trouble is that this slows down writes. Take any well-tuned database on the fastest solid-state storage and massive I/O busses. It will bottleneck on writing the transaction log.
InfiniSQL Solutions To These Problems
InfiniSQL is not the only project that has solved some or all of these problems and which has successfully implemented a clustered RDBMS. I'm sure that most readers of this blog are aware of various systems like this, if not already users of them. I'm describing how I've solved these problems--and how they contribute to InfiniSQL's unique strengths. Others have solved these problems in their own ways.
InfiniSQL implements a variation on the actor model of concurrent programming. C++ is the main language used to create InfiniSQL, and the actor model isn't natively supported in that language. Much of the work of implementing InfiniSQL has involved getting actors to work in C++. The actor model solves the first two problems described above by uncoupling transaction processing logic from storage and by not locking memory regions. Read the overview for specifics. This is a radical departure from legacy RDBMS architectures.
The actor model solves The Problem because processing logic is handled by one set of actors, and data storage is handled by another set. Their functions are loosely coupled in InfiniSQL. Messaging happens between actors regardless of the node that they reside upon: the actor which governs a particular transaction doesn't know or care whether the data resides locally or remotely. And the actor that manages a particular data partition responds to messages regardless of origin. In theory, the actor model allows InfiniSQL to scale without limit. Each record is assigned to a specific data region based on hash value of its first field, and each index record is assigned to a region based on a hashing of the index value.
Another beneficial effect of the actor model is that it solves the problem of low level locking. Since each data region only has a single actor associated, there is no need for mutexes or semaphores to restrict access. The partition's actor handles requests for data manipulation based on messages from transaction actors. The sending actor isn't held up (blocked) waiting for a response but instead is free to work on other tasks. When the partition's actor responds with data, the requesting transaction actor resumes where it left off. It either finishes the transaction and sends a reply to the client, or keeps interacting with other actors.
Here's an example that attempts to graphically illustrate the difference between the traditional shared memory model of database design and InfiniSQL's actor model:
With actors, there's no locking. As more processing is necessary, more actors are added, with each actor roughly optimally corresponding to a single CPU thread or core. As cores are added, actor-based architectures keep up very well. However, the traditional locked shared memory model suffers the more that cores are added--because lock contention only increases. Large monolithic databases have very complex lock management methods to minimize this problem.
Another benefit of the actor model is that it supports massive concurrency. InfiniSQL implements actors slightly differently than the traditional actor model, but it still achieves a very high connection rate while maintaining high throughput. Most traditional databases have a connection threshold beyond which aggregate system performance degrades significantly. This has to do mainly with contention already described, and also because per connection costs are high--if each client requires a dedicated process (or thread) on the server side, then that consumes a lot of memory. Further, highly multi-threaded applications suffer from excessive context switching. The kernel scheduler always has to put threads to sleep, copy their state, and then copy in and activate another thread. With InfiniSQL, the cost to maintain each connection is relatively low-- there must be an open socket that the kernel manages. Plus, an object to manage the connection is created. A couple of maps have entries added to allow the relevant actors to identify the connection. That is a much lower per-connection overhead than having to spin up a whole new thread (let alone process). And to minimize context switching, each actor roughly corresponds to a single CPU thread, so there are fewer threads waiting for CPU.
And to solve the problem of slow I/O, InfiniSQL avoids this currently by being an in-memory database. In memory is simpler to implement, especially with actors, than block-backed storage. But this obviously poses some problems. Namely, durability and cost. If electricity goes out, a single copy of a database in memory vanishes. And the cost of RAM is higher than that of disk. The overview describes plans to overcome these issues given time for development efforts.
The key to InfiniSQL's planned in-memory durability bears emphasizing--it is borrowed from the world of high end storage. High end storage systems perform so well because they write changes to memory--and only later write those changes to disk. They can get away with this because they have redundant battery backup systems and each write is distributed across multiple cache regions. No power loss or single point of failure can cause data loss in high end storage systems--and that's really what matters. The world's biggest transaction processing platforms rely upon this kind of storage array. InfiniSQL intends to implement the same model, except that redundancy and power management will protect database server nodes themselves. This has not been fully implemented yet, but when available, will mean that InfiniSQL will provide in memory performance with durability.
Transaction Processing
Transaction processing details are described in the overview. What I discovered implementing ACID capabilities using actors is that other techniques needed to be implemented as well. Namely, inter-actor remote procedure calls (RPC), a home-grown protocol stack inspired loosely on the OSI model, and continuations. This introduces a certain amount of implementation complexity--I'm on the lookout for ways to refactor and decrease complexity. But all of the ACID characteristics (except for Durability, as described above) are functional.
Row Based, Tables, Indices and Stuff Like That
The actor-based core and transaction processing capabilities could work with any number of different types of databases. Column-based, simple keystores, xml doc stores, graphdb's. Anything that needs to scale and benefits from parallelism. But I chose to implement a row-based RDBMS as the first underlying storage scheme for InfiniSQL. In spite of the other types, this model still support a huge variety of applications. Most of the alternate data organization types are optimized for a particular type of workload--and abysmal at others. Column data stores aren't suited for transaction processing, for instance. Keystores can't really do anything other than get/set simple objects. There's nothing earth-shatteringly innovative about the way that InfiniSQL organizes and manipulates data, but the underlying architecture overcomes many of the limitations that drove adoption of many alternate database types.
PostgreSQL clients are used to perform SQL queries, so really any platform and language should be able to use InfiniSQL. They've documented the Frontend/Backend Protocol very well, so implementing it for InfiniSQL has been pretty simple. (InfiniSQL and PostgreSQL are completely separate projects.)
That's pretty much it as far as an introduction to InfiniSQL and how it was designed to be an infinitely scalable RDBMS. It's so far literally the work of a guy in his living room banging out code at all hours. Please enjoy InfiniSQL, and learn from it, and find me on the links described above if you want to talk about it! Also, please consider participating--it's still in an early state, and contributions are actively sought. It's free, open source, and has a lot of room for development efforts. People willing to alpha test this project are also really sought--if you think that InfiniSQL could solve some of your problems, please talk to me about it!
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IRC: #infinisql
Twitter: @infinisql
Reader Comments (13)
While a somewhat interesting start, I'm most interested to know how InfiniSQL plans to handle aggregation functions and joins of large tables. Joins in particular are what make relational databases appealing to use, but they are also one of the hardest things to do when you scale up, especially for complex data.
I'm curious to know if InfiniSQL has a plan to offer something that would be a step up over doing joins externally, say in a map reduce, or paying for a database appliance with hardware to make larger joins possible.
Your logo is a little too similar to VoltDB:
Hi, G Gordon. For aggregates, I think it should be relatively simple:
send a message to each partition to have it return the aggregate results for its own data set. Then have the transaction agent collect the results, and reduce to the correct answer. How's that for map/reduce? ;-) I'm also thinking of having an option for each table (or even field) to update its aggregate values on each insert/update/delete, to save time on aggregate queries.
For joins, I'm thinking of having each partition create a temporary table representing the joined values from the relevant tables, and returning those to the transaction agent.
It's very likely that some massive multi-way joins will not perform well with InfiniSQL--that's very likely an area where only a monolithic database (or an MPP data warehouse) will perform well. I don't think InfiniSQL is optimal for really heavy, long-running analytics, at least with its existing row-based storage. Now, with columnar storage, there may be a different story.
I've also written most of the code to support subqueries, but haven't fully tested it yet. So subqueries are *almost* supported.
Do you want to help out? :-)
I don't really think that "infinite scalability" can be "proved" based on "12 small servers." Add another two zeros after that 12; if the numbers per server *still looked the same*, that would be a lot more convincing.
If I remember well, VoltDB said something similar, with third party showing later that the numbers went down when you reached 50 to 100 servers (not sure about precise limit).
I don't really think that "infinite scalability" can be "proved" based on "12 small servers." Add another two zeros after that 12; if the numbers per server *still looked the same*, that would be a lot more convincing.
If I remember well, VoltDB said something similar, with third party showing later that the numbers went down when you reached 50 to 100 servers (not sure about precise limit).
Hi Sebastian. I think the actor model lends itself to scaling pretty far. Essentially, the limiting factor will be inter-node communication. How much inefficiency is added as nodes are added, I'm uncertain. Plus, things like high performance inter-node networking would improve that. At one point I was working on Infiniband Verbs as inter-cluster communication protocol, but TCP/IP is easier and ubiquitous. But I'd like to implement an option for InfiniSQL to use Infiniband natively for cluster communication--I think that would go a long way to extending scalability.
I don't think we disagree--at least, I was pretty clear about how far I've been able to take things by now and that I want a chance to take it much further. It would be nice if somebody like SGI would loan me a zillion servers like they did for VoltDB. ;-)
I don't think we disagree either; I was just pointing out that "12 small servers." is not so ... impressive.
I'm a believer in the Actor model too, as I'm a commiter to a new (still pre-1.0) Actor API. But for many DB, inter-node communication quickly becomes a bottleneck, and a lot more then 12 nodes are needed to show if (or at which size) this is the case.
> I'm also thinking of having an option for each table (or even field)
> to update its aggregate values on each insert/update/delete, to
> save time on aggregate queries.
Do you mean maintaining *each* aggregate values for each fields of each table? I do not think it has too much sense. For example, what would you do with queries like this:
SELECT AVG(salary) FROM employee WHERE employee_name LIKE 'H%';
Or what would you do with user-created aggregate functions? Maybe those functions not even exist when the records are inserted into the table. Just think of the CREATE AGGREGATE statement of postgresql.
I have a question which no answer appear in this post
- According to the documentation every write can synchronously replicated. However, even in memory, synchronous replication is difficult to scale (CAP theorem ?). Event though the feature is not complete yet, I think it might be a big limitation to infinite scalability.
Do you agree ?
Csongor said:
"Do you mean maintaining *each* aggregate values for each fields of each table? I do not think it has too much sense."
Only as an option. The use case would be for people who want to collect an AVG for a column on every insert. Saving the rolling total and quantity of entries on a per-partition basis would save calculating that. But for cases like you mentioned, no, this would not be a good idea.
Mainly trying to convey that I don't see a problem with doing aggregates in InfiniSQL.
slefebvr said:
I have a question which no answer appear in this post
- According to the documentation every write can synchronously replicated. However, even in memory, synchronous replication is difficult to scale (CAP theorem ?). Event though the feature is not complete yet, I think it might be a big limitation to infinite scalability.
Do you agree ?
No, I don't agree. I've nearly completed synchronous replication. It shouldn't be difficult to scale--though it will consume a certain amount of system resources to accomplish. But the system resources per node will hopefully be pretty stable as nodes are added.
The only hard limit I see for scalability is the number of available TCP/IP sockets opened--every node in a replica is connected to every other node in a mesh. UNIX-like systems cannot handle an infinite number of TCP/IP connections concurrently. I think the limit is infinity-10. ;-)
Sebastien wrote:
I'm a believer in the Actor model too, as I'm a commiter to a new (still pre-1.0) Actor API. But for many DB, inter-node communication quickly becomes a bottleneck, and a lot more then 12 nodes are needed to show if (or at which size) this is the case.
InfiniSQL batches inter-node messages and compresses using LZ4. It sacrifices some latency, but the throughput gains are worth it in my opinion. Also, 10GB ethernet is better than 1GB, multiple NIC RX queues are better than single. I'd like to implement RDBMA using Infiniband Verbs API (, but TCP/IP is easier to code against, and there's a much wider user base. But I think Infiniband would go a long way to decreasing intra-cluster communication overhead.
Fun project.
In many cases you can push aggregates out to the actors. What's wrong with AVG? You return count and average from each actor, than weight the final average based on the counts. This feels like a pretty straight map/reduce model.
The issue as others have mentioned is likely to be internode communication, especially in some join cases. I like that you recognize that already, but you may be able to scale pretty well on 10GB to some sort of ceiling. I don't know that I'd call it infinite though, but "high" seems possible.
Looking forward to seeing this land, especially once you get the D in ACID worked out a bit more.
- August
> It would be nice if somebody like SGI would loan me a zillion servers like they did for VoltDB. ;-)
EC2 FTW :-)
FWIW, I think that it is crticial to handle node failure and partitioning correctly, to end up with a system which is dependable as well as performant. No-one wants to sacrifice the former for the latter.
First part is that all cluster nodes must agree on the configuration. If you haven't come across it before, you might want to look at the Raft algorithm as an alternative to Multi-Paxos.
But something like this also needs to be done at a fine level, for deciding which writes have propagated to replica nodes. You can be sure that every possible failure mode - nodes going away and coming back at different points in the transaction cycle - *will* happen sooner or later.