Sponsored Post: Signalfuse, InMemory.Net, Sentient, Couchbase, VividCortex, Internap, Transversal, MemSQL, Scalyr, FoundationDB, AiScaler, Aerospike, AppDynamics, ManageEngine, Site24x7

Who's Hiring?
- Sentient Technologies is hiring several Senior Distributed Systems Engineers and a Senior Distributed Systems QA Engineer. Sentient Technologies, is a privately held company seeking to solve the world’s most complex problems through massively scaled artificial intelligence running on one of the largest distributed compute resources in the world. Help us expand our existing million+ distributed cores to many, many more. Please apply here.
- Linux Web Server Systems Engineer – Transversal. We are seeking an experienced and motivated Linux System Engineer to join our Engineering team. This new role is to design, test, install, and provide ongoing daily support of our information technology systems infrastructure. As an experienced Engineer you will have comprehensive capabilities for understanding hardware/software configurations that comprise system, security, and library management, backup/recovery, operating computer systems in different operating environments, sizing, performance tuning, hardware/software troubleshooting and resource allocation. Apply here.
- UI Engineer– AppDynamics, founded in 2008 and lead by proven innovators, is looking for a passionate UI Engineer to design, architect, and develop our their user interface using the latest web and mobile technologies. Make the impossible possible and the hard easy. Apply here.
- Software Engineer - Infrastructure & Big Data – AppDynamics, leader in next generation solutions for managing modern, distributed, and extremely complex applications residing in both the cloud and the data center, is looking for a Software Engineers (All-Levels) to design and develop scalable software written in Java and MySQL for backend component of software that manages application architectures. Apply here.
Fun and Informative Events
- Rise of the Multi-Model Database. FoundationDB Webinar: March 10th at 1pm EST. Do you want a SQL, JSON, Graph, Time Series, or Key Value database? Or maybe it’s all of them? Not all NoSQL Databases are not created equal. The latest development in this space is the Multi Model Database. Please join FoundationDB for an interactive webinar as we discuss the Rise of the Multi Model Database and what to consider when choosing the right tool for the job.
Cool Products and Services
- SignalFx: just launched an advanced monitoring platform for modern applications that's already processing 10s of billions of data points per day. SignalFx lets you create custom analytics pipelines on metrics data collected from thousands or more sources to create meaningful aggregations--such as percentiles, moving averages and growth rates--within seconds of receiving data. Start a free 30-day trial!
- InMemory.Net provides a Dot Net native in memory database for analysing large amounts of data. It runs natively on .Net, and provides a native .Net, COM & ODBC apis for integration. It also has an easy to use language for importing data, and supports standard SQL for querying data. http://InMemory.Net
- Top Enterprise Use Cases for NoSQL. Discover how the largest enterprises in the world are leveraging NoSQL in mission-critical applications with real-world success stories. Get the Guide.
http://info.couchbase.com/HS_SO_Top_10_Enterprise_NoSQL_Use_Cases.html - VividCortex goes beyond monitoring and measures the system's work on your MySQL and PostgreSQL servers, providing unparalleled insight and query-level analysis. This unique approach ultimately enables your team to work more effectively, ship more often, and delight more customers.
- SQL for Big Data: Price-performance Advantages of Bare Metal. When building your big data infrastructure, price-performance is a critical factor to evaluate. Data-intensive workloads with the capacity to rapidly scale to hundreds of servers can escalate costs beyond your expectations. The inevitable growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) and fast big data will only lead to larger datasets, and a high-performance infrastructure and database platform will be essential to extracting business value while keeping costs under control. Read more.
- MemSQL provides a distributed in-memory database for high value data. It's designed to handle extreme data ingest and store the data for real-time, streaming and historical analysis using SQL. MemSQL also cost effectively supports both application and ad-hoc queries concurrently across all data. Start a free 30 day trial here: http://www.memsql.com/
- In-Memory Computing at Aerospike Scale. How the Aerospike team optimized memory management by switching from PTMalloc2 to JEMalloc.
- Diagnose server issues from a single tab. The Scalyr log management tool replaces all your monitoring and analysis services with one, so you can pinpoint and resolve issues without juggling multiple tools and tabs. It's a universal tool for visibility into your production systems. Log aggregation, server metrics, monitoring, alerting, dashboards, and more. Not just “hosted grep” or “hosted graphs,” but enterprise-grade functionality with sane pricing and insane performance. Trusted by in-the-know companies like Codecademy – try it free! (See how Scalyr is different if you're looking for a Splunk alternative.)
- aiScaler, aiProtect, aiMobile Application Delivery Controller with integrated Dynamic Site Acceleration, Denial of Service Protection and Mobile Content Management. Also available on Amazon Web Services. Free instant trial, 2 hours of FREE deployment support, no sign-up required. http://aiscaler.com
- ManageEngine Applications Manager : Monitor physical, virtual and Cloud Applications.
- www.site24x7.com : Monitor End User Experience from a global monitoring network.
If any of these items interest you there's a full description of each sponsor below. Please click to read more...
SignalFx - A Modern Monitoring Platform Built on Streaming Analytics
SignalFx - A Modern Monitoring Platform Built on Streaming Analytics
Built after real world experience running apps at massive scale with 100s of 1000s of systems. SignalFx can take all your metrics and events, at frequencies up to every second and at any scale. SignalFx takes care of the infrastructure and plumbing to process, store, and run analytics against that data in real time.
The SignalFlow analytics engine lets you apply custom analytics pipeline to the data as it comes in, including functions like sums, percentiles, moving averages, and standard deviations. The output of analytics pipelines is within seconds of the raw data and can be compared against historical data and analytics side by side.
SignalFx can handle multidimensional metrics and any additional metadata you need to model, filter, group by, and aggregate metrics.
Use collectd, StatsD, DropWizard Metrics, any other open source metrics collection tools, or use SignalFx's open source client libraries to instrument your code and send metrics. SignalFx also provides an open source proxy to drop into existing metrics environments. Learn More.
Rise of the Multi-Model Database
FoundationDB Webinar: March 10th at 1pm EST
The 451 Group reports that there are more than 200+ NoSQL Database products in the market today. When considering which one, or which ones, to chose you may be faced with having to make some critical trade offs regarding Consistency, Availability and Performance. As if the task of choosing which solution wasn’t difficult enough, you’ve got to determine what is the right tool or language for the job. Is it SQL, JSON, Graph, Time Series, Key Value? Maybe it’s all of them.
But all NoSQL Databases are not created equal. The latest development in this space is the Multi Model Database. Please join FoundationDB for an interactive webinar as we discuss the Rise of the Multi Model Database and what to consider when choosing the right tool for the job.
Top 10 Enterprise NoSQL Use Cases
- The top 10 use cases for NoSQL in the enterprise
- Real-world examples – AOL, PayPal, Tesco, and more
- Key factors driving NoSQL adoption for these use cases
- How NoSQL overcomes limitations of relational databases
VividCortex - The Best Way To See What Your Production Database Systems Are Doing
The database is the heart of most applications, but it’s also the part that’s hardest to scale, manage, and optimize even as it’s growing 50% year over year. VividCortex has developed a suite of unique technologies that significantly eases this pain for your entire IT department. Unlike traditional monitoring, we measure and analyze the system’s work and resource consumption.
VividCortex is a hosted (SaaS) database performance management platform that provides unparalleled insight and query-level analysis for both MySQL and PostgreSQL servers at micro-second detail. It's not just another tool to draw time-series charts from status counters. It's deep analysis of every metric, every process, and every query on your systems, stitched together with statistics and data visualization.
Our approach enables you to eliminate bottlenecks, cut downtime and boost performance and reliability, improve server utilization and do more with less hardware. This leads directly to better performance for IT as a whole at reduced cost and effort. Start a free trial today with our famous 15-second installation.
Scalyr -- The Solution to Your Operational Diagnostics Woes
You're running multiple systems on multiple servers. "ssh into the server and tail the log" is no longer a viable strategy for investigating problems. Old school graphing, alerting, and log-grep tools give you too little visibility for too much effort.
Scalyr is your universal tool for visibility into your production systems, providing centralized log management, server metrics, monitoring, alerting, dashboards, log parsing, and more. Don't be limited by the narrow capabilities of traditional tools. All of your operational data -- logs, metrics, and more -- in one place, where you can explore, filter, and analyze at interactive speeds. Enterprise-grade functionality with sane pricing and insane performance. View the feature list to learn more.
Test aiCache acceleration for free. No sign-up required.
We have set up aiCache on the Amazon Ec2 cloud to allow you to accelerate your website, test it, and optionally deploy in about 10 minutes. No sign-up required and its free.
You give us your website address and we spin up an AWS Micro instance running aiCache configured for your site. We then give you a simple configuration tool, if you want to further tune the Dynamic Caching.
You can then test your regular site and the accelerated site side by side in real time, from a third party testing service, complete with waterfall chart to tell you what is slow. With a few clicks you can tune the Dynamic Caching and re-run the test till you get the optimal config, unique to your site.
Want to deploy it? Great put in the AWS instance ID and Key and we will push it to your choice of live server.
Got everything perfect? Update your DNS or pull a copy to your datacenter.
Want help? We can have one of our engineers hop on and joint edit the config file with you, to work through tricky SSL and Session authentication. A do it yourself kinda engineer? Great context sensitive help is available of every line of the config file.
Want to save it for later, no problem. Want to download it for use on your own box, clicky-clicky free.
See the power of aiCache on your time without being bugged. http://aiscaler.com/deploy
AppDynamics Troubleshooting Java Performance for Free
AppDynamics is the very first free product designed for troubleshooting Java performance while getting full visibility in production environments. If you're an application owner and need to ensure high availability and performance--but not ready to purchase a full monitoring tool--AppDynamics Lite is build for you. Install in two minutes; be monitoring a Java Virtual Machine in 10 minutes.
Visit http://www.appdynamics.com/freetrial
ManageEngine Applications Manager
ManageEngine provides Enterprise IT Management suite of products. ManageEngine Applications Manager helps SaaS companies monitor their production applications and helps keep costs low.
There is out-of-the-box support for monitoring application servers, database servers, servers and web servers from a single web console. In addition to support for IBM Applications, Oracle Apps and Microsoft applications, there is deep support for Open Source Applications like JBoss, Memcached, LAMP stack etc. Pricing starts at $795 for monitoring 25 servers or applications. Learn more about the Application Performance Monitoring tool.
Site24x7.com (from ZOHO) is a Website and Web Application Monitoring service. It helps you ensure your shopping carts and other web transactions work. It also helps you monitor the performance of your websites from a global point of presence. You can Sign Up for a Free Trial. The Professional Edition starts at $1 / Month. Learn more about the Website Monitoring Service.
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