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Sponsored Post: StackHawk, InterviewCamp.io, Educative, Triplebyte, Stream, Fauna

Who's Hiring? 

  • InterviewCamp.io has hours of system design content. They also do live system design discussions every week. They break down interview prep into fundamental building blocks. Try out their platform.

  • Triplebyte lets exceptional software engineers skip screening steps at hundreds of top tech companies like Apple, Dropbox, Mixpanel, and Instacart. Make your job search O(1), not O(n). Apply here.

  • Need excellent people? Advertise your job here! 

Cool Products and Services

  • Developers care about shipping secure applications. Application security products and processes, however, have not kept up with advances in software development. There are a new breed of tools hitting the market that enable developers to take the lead on AppSec. Learn how engineering teams are using products like StackHawk and Snyk to add security bug testing to their CI pipelines.

  • Learn the stuff they don't teach you in the AWS docs. Filter out the distracting hype, and focus on the parts of AWS that you'd be foolish not to use. Learn the Good Parts of AWS. Created by former senior-level AWS engineers of 15 years.

  • Stateful JavaScript Apps. Effortlessly add state to your Javascript apps with FaunaDB. Generous free tier. Try now!

  • Learn to balance architecture trade-offs and design scalable enterprise-level software. Check out Educative.io's bestselling new 4-course learning track: Scalability and System Design for Developers. Join more than 300,000 other learners.  

  • Build, scale and personalize your news feeds and activity streams with getstream.io. Try the API now in this 5 minute interactive tutorialStream is free up to 3 million feed updates so it's easy to get started. Client libraries are available for Node, Ruby, Python, PHP, Go, Java and .NET. Stream is currently also hiring Devops and Python/Go developers in Amsterdam. More than 400 companies rely on Stream for their production feed infrastructure, this includes apps with 30 million users. With your help we'd like to ad a few zeros to that number. Check out the job opening on AngelList.

  • Advertise your product or service here! 

If you are interested in a sponsored post for an event, job, or product, please contact us for more information.

Make Your Job Search O(1) — not O(n)

Triplebyte is unique because they're a team of engineers running their own centralized technical assessment. Companies like Apple, Dropbox, Mixpanel, and Instacart now let Triplebyte-recommended engineers skip their own screening steps.

We found that High Scalability readers are about 80% more likely to be in the top bracket of engineering skill.

Take Triplebyte's multiple-choice quiz (system design and coding questions) to see if they can help you scale your career faster.

If you are interested in a sponsored post for an event, job, or product, please contact us for more information.

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