5 Steps to Benchmarking Managed NoSQL - DynamoDB vs Cassandra

This is a guest post by Ben Bromhead from Instaclustr
Deciding to use a managed NoSQL datastore is a great step in ensuring you run a fast, scalable and resilient application without needing to be an expert in highly available architecture. How do you know which technology is the best for your application? How do you know whether the provider's performance claims are true? You are putting your application on someone else’s infrastructure and that requires some hard answers about their claims.
To determine the suitability of a provider, your first port of call is to benchmark. Choosing a service provider is often done in a number of stages. First is to shortlist providers based on capabilities and claimed performance, ruling out those that do not meet your application requirements. Second is to look for benchmarks conducted by third parties, if any. The final stage is to benchmark the service yourself.
In this article we will show you how to run some preliminary benchmarks against two managed NoSQL systems. For this test we will compare Instaclustr and Amazon DynamoDB using the Yahoo Cloud Serving Benchmark (YCSB). Instaclustr provides managed Apache Cassandra hosting and DynamoDB is Amazons own managed key value store solution...