A Practical Guide to Varnish - Why Varnish Matters

This is a guest post by Jeff Su from Factual.
What is Varnish?
Varnish is an open source, high performance http accelerator that sits in front of a web stack and caches pages. This caching layer is very configurable and can be used for both static and dynamic content.
One great thing about Varnish is that it can improve the performance of your website without requiring any code changes. If you haven’t heard of Varnish (or have heard of it, but haven’t used it), please read on. Adding Varnish to your stack can be completely noninvasive, but if you tweak your stack to play along with some of varnish’s more advanced features, you’ll be able to increase performance by orders of magnitude.
Some of the high profile companies using Varnish include: Twitter, Facebook, Heroku and LinkedIn.