Entries by d17may (5)


How is Berkely DB fare against other Key-Value Database

I want to know how is Berkeley DB compared against other key-value solution. I read it from Net that Google uses it for their Enterprise Sign-on feature. Is anyone has any experience using Berkeley DB. Backward compatibility is poor in Berkley DB but that is fine for me. How easy to scale using Berkeley DB.


How to handle so many socket connection

In my application, we receive request from many clients through socket.Client can connect to this socket and send data. this connection has to be maintained for indefinite hours. Client are continously sending data . There are so many clients simultaneously to server. I am using java to make application which listen on port and do processing on data. How can i scale this socket overhead. Is there any product which helps in maintening socket .


Which Key value pair database to be used

My Table has 2 columsn .Column1 is id,Column2 contains information given by user about item in Column1 .User can give 3 types of information about item.I separate the opinion of single user by comma,and opinion of another user by ;. Example- 23-34,us,56;78,in,78 I need to calculate opinions of all users very fast.My idea is to have index on key so the searching would be very fast.Currently i m using mysql .My problem is that maximum column size is below my requirement .If any overflow occurs i make new row with same id and insert data into new row. Practically I would have around maximum 5-10 for each row. I think if there is any database which removes this application code. I just learn about key value pair database which is exactly i needed . But which doesn't put constraint(i mean much better than RDMS on column size. This application is not in production.

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Search fast in million rows

I have a table .This table has many columns but search performed based on 1 columns ,this table can have more than million rows. The data in these columns is something like funny,new york,hollywood User can search with parameters as funny hollywood .I need to take this 2 words and then search on column whether that column contain this words and how many times .It is not possible to index here .If the results return say 1200 results then without comparing each and every column i can't determine no of results.I need to compare for each and every column.This query is very frequent .How can i approach for this problem.What type of architecture,tools is helpful. I just know that this can be accomplished with distributed system but how can i make this system. I also see in this website that LinkedIn uses Lucene for search .Is Lucene is helpful in my case.My table has also lots of insertion ,however updation in not very frequent.

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Newbie in scalability design issues

I have 3 exp in building website using java.I work on only single server.Website is not very scalable.I always wonder how ebay,youtube,monster handle traffic, giving responses within seconds.From the google i find this site and i hope i can also able to build very scalable website .I need guidelines from where to start ,what are the things we needed.I know that scalability comes through the use of distributed applications but don't how to implement it. I see many website build in languages other than java so java is good choice for building high scalable website. Thanks

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