Entries by General Chicken (60)


Scaling Hotjar's Architecture: 9 Lessons Learned

Hotjar offers free website analytics so they have a challenging mission: handle hundreds of millions of requests per day from mostly free users. Marc von Brockdorff, Co-Founder & Director of Engineering at Hotjar, summarized the lessons they've learned in: 9 Lessons Learned Scaling Hotjar's Tech Architecture To Handle 21,875,000 Requests Per Hour.

In response to the criticism their architecture looks like a hot mess, Erik Näslund, Chief Architect at Hotjar, gives the highlights of their architecture:

  • We use nginx + lua for the really hot code paths where python doesn't quite cut it. No language is perfect and you might have to break out of your comfort zone and use something different every now and then.
  • Redis, Memcached, Postgres, Elasticsearch and S3 are all suitable for different kinds of data storage and we eventually needed them all to be able to query and store data in a cost effective way. We didn't start out using 5 different data-stores though...it's something that we "grew into".
  • Each application server is a (majestic) monolith. Micro-services are one way of architecting things, monoliths are another - I'm still waiting to be convinced that one way is superior to the other when it comes to a smaller team of developers.

What have they learned?

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Use Google For Throughput, Amazon And Azure For Low Latency

Which cloud should you use? It may depend on what you need to do with it. What Zach Bjornson needs to do is process large amounts scientific data as fast as possible, which means reading data into memory as fast as possible. So, he made benchmark using Google's new multi-cloud PerfKitBenchmarker, to figure out which cloud was best for the job.

The results are in a very detailed article: AWS S3 vs Google Cloud vs Azure: Cloud Storage Performance. Feel free to datamine the results for more insights, but overall his conclusions are:

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9ish Low Latency Strategies for SaaS Companies

Achieving very low latencies takes special engineering, but if you are a SaaS company latencies of a few hundred milliseconds are possible for complex business logic using standard technologies like load balancers, queues, JVMs, and rest APIs.

Itai Frenkel, a software engineer at Forter, which provides a Fraud Prevention Decision as a Service, shows how in an excellent article: 9.5 Low Latency Decision as a Service Design Patterns.

While any article on latency will have some familiar suggestions, Itai goes into some new territory you can really learn from. The full article is rich with detail, so you'll want to read it, but here's a short gloss:

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5 Lessons from 5 Years of Building Instagram

Instagram has always been generous in sharing their accumulated wisdom. Just take a look at the Related Articles section of this post to see how generous.

The tradition continues. Mike Krieger, Instagram co-founder, wrote a really good article on lessons learned from milestones achieved during Five Years of Building Instagram. Here's a summary of the lessons, but the article goes into much more of the connective tissue and is well worth reading.

  1. Do the simple thing first. This is the secret of supporting exponential growth. There's no need to future proof everything you do. That leads to paralysis. For each new challenge find the fastest, simplest fix for each. 
  2. Do fewer things better. Focus on a single platform. This allows you to iterate faster because not everything has to be done twice. When you have to expand create a team explicitly for each platform.
  3. Upfront work but can pay huge dividends. Create an automated scriptable infrastructure implementing a repeatable server provisioning process. This makes it easier to bring on new hires and handle disasters. Hire engineers with the right stuff who aren't afraid to work through a disaster. 
  4. Don’t reinvent the wheel. Instagram moved to Facebook's infrastructure because it allowed them to stay small and leverage a treasure trove of capabilities.
  5. Nothing lasts forever. Be open to evolve your product. Don't be afraid of creating special teams to tackle features and adapt to a rapidly scaling community.

Related Articles


5 Lessons and 8 Industry Changes Over 5 Years as Etsy CTO

Endings are often a time for reflection and from reflection often comes wisdom. That is the case for Kellan Elliott-McCrea, who recently announced he was leaving his job after five successful years as the CTO of Etsy. Kellan wrote a rather remarkable going away post: Five years, building a culture, and handing it off, brimming with both insight and thoughtful commentary.

This post is just a short gloss of the major points. He goes into more depth on each point, so please read his post.

The Five Lessons:

  1. Nothing we “know” about software development should be assumed to be true.
  2. Technology is the product of the culture that builds it.
  3. Software development should be thought of as a cycle of continual learning and improvement rather a progression from start to finish, or a search for correctness.
  4. You build a culture of learning by optimizing globally not locally.
  5. If you want to build for the long term, the only guarantee is change.

The Eight Industry Changes

  1. Five years ago, continuous deployment was still a heretical idea. 
  2. Five years ago, it was crazy to discuss that monitoring, testing, debugging, QA, staged releases, game days, user research, and prototypes are all tools with the same goal, improving confidence, rather than separate disciplines handled by distinct teams.
  3. Five years ago, focusing on detection and response vs prevention in order to achieve better, more reliable, more scalable, and more secure software was unprofessional.
  4. Five years ago, suggesting that better software is written by a diverse team of kind people who care about each other was antithetical to our self-image as an industry.
  5. Five years ago, trusting not only our designers and product managers to code and deploy to production, but trusting everyone in the company to deploy to production.
  6. Five years ago, rooms of people excitedly talking about their own contribution to a serious outage would have been a prelude to mass firings, rather than a path to profound learning.
  7. And five years ago no one was experimenting in public about how to do this stuff, sharing their findings, and open sourcing code to support this way of working.
  8. Five years ago, it would have seemed ludicrous to think a small team supporting a small site selling crafts could aspire to change how software is built and, in the process, cause us to rethink how the economy works.

While many of these ideas were happening more than five years ago the point still stands, the industry has undergone a lot of changes recently, and sometimes it's worth taking a little time to reflect on that a bit. 


Seven of the Nastiest Anti-patterns in Microservices

Daniel Bryant gave an energetic talk at Devoxx UK 2015 on lessons learned from over five years of experience with microservice based projects. The talk: The Seven Deadly Sins of Microservices: Redux (video, slides).

If you don't want to risk your immortal API then be sure to avoid:

  1. Lust - using the latest and greatest tech with the idea it will solve all your problems. It won't. Do you really need microservices at all? If you do go microservices do you really need new tech in your stack? Choose boring technology. Know why you are choosing something. A monolith can perform better and because a monolith can be developed faster it may also be the correct choice in proving your business case 
  2. Gluttony - excessive communication protocols. Projects often have a crazy number of protocols for gluing parts together. Standardize on the glue across an organization. Choose one synchronous and one asynchronous protocol. Don't gold-plate.
  3. Greed - all your service are belong to us. Do not underestimate the impact moving to a microservice approach will have on your organization. Your business organization needs to change to take advantage of microservices. Typically orgs will have silos between Dev, QA, and Ops with even more silos inside each silo like front-end, middleware, and database. Use cross functional teams like Spotify, Amazon, and Gilt. Connect rather than divide your company. 
  4. Sloth - creating a distributed monolith. If you can't deploy your services independently then they aren't microservices. Decouple. Transform data at a less central part of the stack. Some options are schema-first design and consumer-driven contracts.
  5. Wrath - blowing up when bad things happen. Bad things happen all the time so you need to test. Microservices are inherently distributed so you have network problems to deal with that weren't a problem in a monolith. The book Release It! has a lot of good fault tolerance patterns. Operationally you need to implement continuous delivery, agile, and devops. Test for failures using real life disaster scenarios testing, live injection failure testing, and something like Netflix's Simian Army.
  6. Envy - the shared single domain fallacy. A lot of time has been spent building and perfecting the model of a single domain. There's one big database with a unified schema. Microservices decompose a system along different lines and that can cause contention in an organization. Reports can be generated using pull by service or data pumps with events. 
  7. Pride - testing in the world of transience. Does your stuff really work? We all make mistakes. Think testing at the developer level, operational level, and business level. Surprisingly little has been written about testing microservices. Invest in your build pipeline testing. Some tools: Serenity BOD, Wiremock/Saboteur, Jenkins Performance Plugin. Testing in production is an emerging idea with companies that deploy many microservices.

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Full Stack Tuning for a 100x Load Increase and 40x Better Response Times

A world that wants full stack developers also needs full stack tuners. That tuning process, or at least the outline of a full stack tuning process is something Ronald Bradford describes in not quite enough detail in Improving performance – A full stack problem.

The general philosophy is:

  • Understanding were to invest your energy first, know what the return on investment can be.
  • Measure and verify every change.

He lists several tips for general website improvements:

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Learn from my pain - 5 Lessons from Ello's Adventures in Rapid Scaling 

Within one week Ello went from thousands of sessions a day to a few million sessions a day. Mike Pack wrote a great article sharing what they’ve learned: 5 Early Lessons from Rapid, High Availability Scaling with Rails.

Some of their scaling challenges: quantity of data, team size, DNS, bot prevention, responding to users, inappropriate content, and other forms of caching. What did they learn?

  1. Move the graph. User relationships were implemented on a standard Rails stack using Heroku and Postgres. The relationships table became the bottleneck. Solution: denormalize the social graph and move hot data into Redis. Redis is used for speed and Postgres is used for durability. Lesson: know the core pillar that supports your core offering and make it work.

  2. Create indexes early, or you're screwed. There's a camp that says only create indexes when they are needed. They are wrong. The lack of btree indexes kills query performance. Forget a unique index and your data becomes corrupted. Once the damage is done it's hard to add unique indexes later. The data has to be cleaned up and indexes take a long time to build when there's a lot of data.

  3. Sharding is cool, but not that cool. Shard all the things only after you've tried vertically scaling as much as possible. Sharding caused a lot of pain. Creating a covering index from the start and adding more RAM so data could be served from memory, not from disk, would have saved a lot of time and stress as the system scaled.

  4. Don't create bottlenecks, or do. Every new user automatically followed a system user that was used for announcements, etc. Scaling problems that would have been months down the road hit quickly as any write to the system user caused a write amplification of millions of records. The lesson here is not what you may think. While scaling to meet the challenge of the system user was a pain, it made them stay ahead of the scaling challenge. Lesson: self-inflict problems early and often.

  5. It always takes 10 times longer. All the solutions mentioned take much longer to implement than you might think. Early estimates of a couple days soon give way to the reality of much longer time hits. Simply moving large amounts of data can take days. Adding indexes to large amounts of data takes time. And with large amounts of data problems tend to happen as you get to the larger data sizes which means you need to apply a fix and start over. 

This full article is excellent and is filled with much more detail that makes it well worth reading.


Make Any Framework Suck Less With These 10 Insightful Lessons

Alexey Migutsky in 2 years with Angular has a lot to say about Angular, which I can't comment on at all, not being an Angular user. But burried in his article are some lessons for building better frameworks that obviously come from deep experience. Frameworks will always suck, but if you follow these lessons will your frameworks suck less? Yes, I think they will.

Here are Alexey's Lessons for framework (and metaframework) developers:

  1. You should have as small as possible number on abstractions.
  2. You should name things consistent with your "thought domain".
  3. Do not mix several responsibilities in your components. Make fine-grained abstractions with well-defined roles.
  4. Always describe the intention for your decisions and tradeoffs in your documentation.
  5. Have a currated and updated reference project/examples.
  6. You abstractions should scale "from bottom up". Start with small items and then fit them to a Composite pattern. Do not start with the question "How do we override it globally?".
  7. Global state is pure evil. It's like darkness in the horror films - you never know what problems you will have when you tread into it...
  8. The dataflow and data changes should be granular and localized to a single component.
  9. Do not make things easy to use, make your components and abstractions simple to understand. People should learn how to do stuff in a new and effective way, do not ADAPT to their comfort zone.
  10. Do not encode all good things you know in the framework.

10 Common Server Setups For Your Web Application

If you need a good overview of different ways to setup your web service then Mitchell Anicas has written a good article for you: 5 Common Server Setups For Your Web Application.

We've even included a few additional possibilities at no extra cost.

  1. Everything on One Server. Simple. Potential for poor performance because of resource contention. Not horizontally scalable. 
  2. Separate Database Server. There's an application server and a database server. Application and database don't share resources. Can independently vertically scale each component. Increases latency because the database is a network hop away.
  3. Load Balancer (Reverse Proxy). Distribute workload across multiple servers. Native horizontal scaling. Protection against DDOS attacks using rules. Adds complexity. Can be a performance bottleneck. Complicates issues like SSL termination and stick sessions.
  4. HTTP Accelerator (Caching Reverse Proxy). Caches web responses in memory so they can be served faster. Reduces CPU load on web server. Compression reduces bandwidth requirements. Requires tuning. A low cache-hit rate could reduce performance. 
  5. Master-Slave Database Replication. Can improve read and write performance. Adds a lot of complexity and failure modes.
  6. Load Balancer + Cache + Replication. Combines load balancing the caching servers and the application servers, along with database replication. Nice explanation in the article.
  7. Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS). Let someone else run the database for you.  RDS is one example from Amazon and there are hosted versions of many popular databases.
  8. Backend as a Service (BaaS). If you are writing a mobile application and you don't want to deal with the backend component then let someone else do it for you. Just concentrate on the mobile platform. That's hard enough. Parse and Firebase are popular examples, but there are many more.
  9. Platform as a Service (PaaS). Let someone else run most of your backend, but you get more flexibility than you have with BaaS to build your own application. Google App Engine, Heroku, and Salesforce are popular examples, but there are many more.
  10. Let Somone Else Do it. Do you really need servers at all? If you have a store then a service like Etsy saves a lot of work for very little cost. Does someone already do what you need done? Can you leverage it?