Entries in disruption (1)


How Will DIDO Wireless Networking Change Everything?

A conjunction of a few new technologies may trigger disruptive changes in the future. This observation was prompted by a talk Steve Perlman gave at the Columbia Engineering School: Benjamin Button, Cloud Everything and Why Shannon's Law Isn't. In it he covers a set of technologies that at first may seem unrelated, but turn out to be deeply related after all, culminating in a realization of the long talked about vision of an application utility, where all applications are hosted and run out of the cloud. 

First Perlman talks about the realistic human rendering technology developed at Rearden, his research incubator company. This technology was developed over many years and is the secret behind the wonderful effects found in movies like Benjamin Button. It is now being used in many other films, and promises to revolutionize film making, possibly even replacing actors with computers, in real-time.

The next invention at Rearden is...

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