Entries in ebay (2)


10 eBay Secrets for Planet Wide Scaling

You don't even have to make a bid, Randy Shoup, an eBay Distinguished Architect, gives this presentation on how eBay scales, for free. Randy has done a fabulous job in this presentation and in other talks listed at the end of this post getting at the heart of the principles behind scalability. It's more about ideas of how things work and fit together than a focusing on a particular technology stack.

Impressive Stats

In case you weren't sure, eBay is big, with lots of: users, data, features, and change...

  • Over 89 million active users worldwide
  • 190 million items for sale in 50,000 categories
  • Over 8 billion URL requests per day
  • Hundreds of new features per quarter
  • Roughly 10% of items are listed or ended every day
  • In 39 countries and 10 languages
  • 24x7x365
  • 70 billion read / write operations / day
  • Processes 50TB of new, incremental data per day
  • Analyzes 50PB of data per day

10 Lessons

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Ebay history and architecture

Ebay[1] Starts in 1995, initial name AuctionWeb (V1) : - very simple architecture - based on perl - no database, for data persistence they used plain files Because of rapid growth they needed to improve their architecture and so V2 (clever name) was born: - replaced perl with C/C++ - started using a database in a master-slave configuration - C++ back-end - XSLT front-end Any request will lead to an XML file being created in C++ and the XLST processor will transform that into html. *pretty sophisticated architecture for the 90s, XLST was cutting-edge back then* ebay v2 That hold out pretty well for a while but in the late 90s ebay experienced an exponential growth. They started having some trouble with outages and needed improvements, so V3 was developed: - based on java - search engine still used C++ - proof that relational databases can scale (aggressive caching) - developed a messaging layer for making a lot of asyncronious calls, they actually ended up being sued because of the delay in which images appear on the site after an item gets posted :-) - although they switched to java the basic principle of generating xml files for each request was still used. ebay v3 Combining the need for a multilingual website with the boom of AJAX technologies and flash applications they started to doubt their XSL system and moved on to what became in 2006 V4 of ebay: - remove everything that could be replaced with java, Ebay loves Java Everything is Java (Code): - Image - Java class - Link - Java class - Javascript - Java classes - Content - Java classes => lot's of code to write, they're using Eclipse for developing. ebay v4 For more details check: Eclipse at Ebay Tailoring Eclipse to the eBay architecture [1] Images and ideas/info are from the links above.

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