Entries in email (2)


Building a email communication system

hi, the website i work for is looking to build a email system that can handle a fair few emails (up to a hundred thousand a day). These comprise emails like registration emails, newsletters, lots of user triggered emails and overnight emails. At present we queue them in SQL and feed them into an smtp server on one of our web servers when the queue drops below a certain level. this has caused our mail system to crash as well as hammer our DB server (shared!!!). We have got an architecture of what we want to build but thought there might be something we could buy off the shelf that allowed us to keep templated emails, lists of recipients, schedule sends etc and report on it. We can't find anything What do big websites like amazon etc use or people a little smaller but who still send loads of mail (flickr, ebuyer, or other ecommerce sites) Cheers tarqs

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Product: Perdition Mail Retrieval Proxy

Perdition is a fully featured POP3 and IMAP4 proxy server. It is able to handle both SSL and non-SSL connections and redirect users to a real-server based on a database lookup. Perdition supports modular based database access. ODBC, MySQL, PostgreSQL, GDBM, POSIX Regular Expression and NIS modules ship with the distribution. The API for modules is open allowing arbitrary modules to be written to allow access to any data store. Perdition has many uses. Including, creating large mail systems where an end-user's mailbox may be stored on one of several hosts, integrating different mail systems together, migrating between different email infrastructures, and bridging plain-text, SSL and TLS services. It can also be used as part of a firewall. The use of perditon to scale mail services beyond a single box is discussed in high capacity email.

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