Entries in flickr (4)


The Art of Capacity Planning: Scaling Web Resources

Update 3: The book was released! Find it on Amazon at The Art of Capacity Planning. Update 2: Maybe the iPhone can use a little capacity planning? What's Behind the iPhone 3G Glitches: One source says Apple programmed the Infineon chip to demand a more powerful 3G signal than the iPhone really requires. So if too many people try to make a call or go on the Internet in a given area, some of the devices will decide there's insufficient power and switch to the slower network—even if there is enough 3G bandwidth available. Update: To get a taste of what will be served, mySQL DBA has a nice post titled Capacity Planning, Architecture, Scaling, Response time, Throughput. You learn how to figure out when your application will break by building a 3rd order polynomial. Cool stuff! John Allspaw who is the Operations Engineering Manager at Flickr is about to publish a book with O'Reilly. There are not much details so far but it seems interesting and relevant to High Scalability. Allspaw combines personal anecdotes from many phases of Flickr's growth with insights from his colleagues in many other industries to give you solid guidelines for measuring your growth, predicting trends, and making cost-effective preparations. Topics include:

  • Evaluating tools for measurement and deployment
  • Capacity analysis and prediction for storage, database, and application servers
  • Designing architectures to easily add and measure capacity
  • Handling sudden spikes
  • Predicting exponential and explosive growth
  • How cloud services such as EC2 can fit into a capacity strategy
The Art of Capacity Planning: Scaling Web Resources is available for pre-order on amazon.com

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Database War Stories #3: Flickr

[Tim O'Reilly] Continuing my series of queries about how "Web 2.0" companies used databases, I asked Cal Henderson of Flickr to tell me "how the folksonomy model intersects with the traditional database. How do you manage a tag cloud?"

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Product: The Spread Toolkit

Complex applications coordinating work across a lot of machines often need a highly performing fault tolerant message layer. Though a blast to write, it's probably a better use of your time to use an off the shelf solution. And that's where Spread comes in. Flickr, for example, uses Spread to create real-time event feeds from their web server logs. What exactly is Spread? From the Spread website:

Spread is an open source toolkit that provides a high performance messaging service that is resilient to faults across local and wide area networks. Spread functions as a unified message bus for distributed applications, and provides highly tuned application-level multicast, group communication, and point to point support. Spread services range from reliable messaging to fully ordered messages with delivery guarantees. Spread can be used in many distributed applications that require high reliability, high performance, and robust communication among various subsets of members. The toolkit is designed to encapsulate the challenging aspects of asynchronous networks and enable the construction of reliable and scalable distributed applications. Some of the services and benefits provided by Spread:
  • Reliable and scalable messaging and group communication.
  • A very powerful but simple API simplifies the construction of distributed architectures.
  • Easy to use, deploy and maintain.
  • Highly scalable from one local area network to complex wide area networks.
  • Supports thousands of groups with different sets of members.
  • Enables message reliability in the presence of machine failures, process crashes and recoveries, and network partitions and merges.
  • Provides a range of reliability, ordering and stability guarantees for messages.
  • Emphasis on robustness and high performance.
  • Completely distributed algorithms with no central point of failure.
  • In Building Scalable Web Sites Cal Henderson describes how Flickr uses Spread to create a log of real-time events, like photos uploaded and discussions started, as they happen. Spread is connected to their web servers. As photos are uploaded these web server events are messaged in real-time to agents consuming the feed. The advantage of this architecture is it sheds load away from the database. Otherwise the database would have to be continuously polled for new events by each agent.

    Related Articles

  • LAMP and the Spread Toolkit
  • The Spread Toolkit: Architecture and Performance

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  • Thursday

    How Flickr Handles Moving You to Another Shard

    Colin Charles has cool picture showing Flickr's message telling him they'll need about 15 minutes to move his 11,500 images to another shard. One, that's a lot of pictures! Two, it just goes to show you don't have to make this stuff complicated. Sure, it might be nice if their infrastructure could auto-balance shards with no down time and no loss of performance, but do you really need to go to all the extra complexity? The manual system works and though Colin would probably like his service to have been up, I am sure his day will still be a pleasant one.

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