Entries in google (39)


C is for Compute - Google Compute Engine (GCE)

After poking around the Google Compute Engine (GCE) documentation I had some trouble creating a mental model of how GCE works. Is it like AWS, GAE, Rackspace, just what is it? After watching Google I/O 2012 - Introducing Google Compute Engine and Google Compute Engine -- Technical Details, it turns out my initial impression, that GCE is disarmingly straightforward, turns out to be the point.

The focus of GCE is on the C, which stands for Compute, and that’s what GCE is all about: deploying lots of servers to solve computationally hard problems. What you get with GCE is a Super Datacenter on Google Steroids.

If you are wondering how you will run the next Instagram on GCE then that would be missing the point. GAE is targeted at applications. GCE is targeted at:

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Google on Latency Tolerant Systems: Making a Predictable Whole Out of Unpredictable Parts  

In Taming The Long Latency Tail we covered Luiz Barroso’s exploration of the long tail latency (some operations are really slow) problems generated by large fanout architectures (a request is composed of potentially thousands of other requests). You may have noticed there weren’t a lot of solutions. That’s where a talk I attended, Achieving Rapid Response Times in Large Online Services (slide deck), by Jeff Dean, also of Google, comes in:

In this talk, I’ll describe a collection of techniques and practices lowering response times in large distributed systems whose components run on shared clusters of machines, where pieces of these systems are subject to interference by other tasks, and where unpredictable latency hiccups are the norm, not the exception.

The goal is to use software techniques to reduce variability given the increasing variability in underlying hardware, the need to handle dynamic workloads on a shared infrastructure, and the need to use large fanout architectures to operate at scale.

Two forces motivate Google’s work on latency tolerance:

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Google: Taming the Long Latency Tail - When More Machines Equals Worse Results

Likewise the current belief that, in the case of artificial machines the very large and the very small are equally feasible and lasting is a manifest error. Thus, for example, a small obelisk or column or other solid figure can certainly be laid down or set up without danger of breaking, while the large ones will go to pieces under the slightest provocation, and that purely on account of their own weight. -- Galileo

Galileo observed how things broke if they were naively scaled up. Interestingly, Google noticed a similar pattern when building larger software systems using the same techniques used to build smaller systems. 

Luiz André Barroso, Distinguished Engineer at Google, talks about this fundamental property of scaling systems in his fascinating talk, Warehouse-Scale Computing: Entering the Teenage Decade. Google found the larger the scale the greater the impact of latency variability. When a request is implemented by work done in parallel, as is common with today's service oriented systems, the overall response time is dominated by the long tail distribution of the parallel operations. Every response must have a consistent and low latency or the overall operation response time will be tragically slow. The implication: high performance equals high tolerances, which means your entire system must be designed to exacting standards.

What is forcing a deeper look into latency variability is the advent of interactive real-time computing. Responsiveness becomes key. Good average response times aren't good enough. You simply can't naively scale up techniques to build larger systems. The reason is surprising and has deep implications on how we design service dominated systems:

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Google Goes MoreSQL with Tenzing - SQL Over MapReduce 

MoreSQL is a cheeky idea Alex Tatiyants invented in NoSQL No More: Let’s double down with MoreSQL advocating that the cure for NoSQL is not less SQL, but even more SQL. Use SQL everywhere, for everything. This is of course creates yet another NewSQL. Hopefully we've exhausted all tasteful variants of the SQL motif. 

While the post is ironic (I think), Google may be into MoreSQL in a big way, as described in a well written and exceptionally detailed paper: Tenzing - A SQL Implementation On The MapReduce Framework. If you are looking for the secrets of how to get back to the good old days of joins and aggregate operators using a SQL syntax, while enjoying the scalability of NoSQL, this paper is a must read.


Tenzing is a query engine built on top of MapReduce for ad hoc analysis of Google data. Tenzing supports a mostly complete SQL implementation (with several extensions) combined with several key characteristics such as heterogeneity, high performance, scalability, reliability, metadata awareness, low latency, support for columnar storage and structured data, and easy extensibility. Tenzing is currently used internally at Google by 1000+ employees and serves 10000+ queries per day over 1.5 petabytes of compressed data. In this paper, we describe the architecture and implementation of Tenzing, and present benchmarks of typical analytical queries.


Google+ Infrastructure Update - the JavaScript Story

In Google+ Is Built Using Tools You Can Use Too: Closure, Java Servlets, JavaScript, BigTable, Colossus, Quick Turnaround we glimpsed inside Google's technology stack for building Google+. Mark Knichel, an engineer on the Google+ infrastructure team, has helped us look a little deeper on how Javascript is handled in Google+.  Here's a quick look:

  1. They love Closure for its library, templates, compiler, and strict type checking. Compilation is now required for good performance. I've wondered if GWT will be killed off as have other Google properties, but I've been told GWT is being used heavily inside Google, so thankfully that probably won't happen.
  2. Closure templates are used both Java and JavaScript to render pages server-side and in the browser. 
  3. Just-in-time JavaScript. Code is split into modules so the minimum amount of JavaScript is loaded asynchronously in the background as necessary. Navigation happens without loading the page.
  4. Page navigation happens without page reloads. 
  5. HTML Flush. Asynchronous data from the server is rendered in the browser immediately so the whole page doesn't need to be loaded. 
  6. Iframes are used to load JavaScript in parallel.

Why no Google+ API? There's conjecture that making a fast responsive UI means the API can't come first because it may not take the shape required to make the UI fast. So the approach is: make the UI first, make it fast, and then wrap an API around whatever evolved. A controversial methodology, but given the imperative for making a responsive UI, it makes sense. Is that the right goal? However good this approach is for creating fast UIs, it's death for feature development and fast responsive innovation. With an API you can develop in parallel and release stuff faster and iterate faster. Which is more important: innovative features that differentiate Google+ from competitors or a fast UI?

More juicy details on this Google+ post.


The Three Ages of Google - Batch, Warehouse, Instant

The world has changed. And some things that should not have been forgotten, were lost. I found these words from the Lord of the Rings echoing in my head as I listened to a fascinating presentation by Luiz André Barroso, Distinguished Engineer at Google, concerning Google's legendary past, golden present, and apocryphal future. His talk, Warehouse-Scale Computing: Entering the Teenage Decade, was given at the Federated Computing Research Conference. Luiz clearly knows his stuff and was early at Google, so he has a deep and penetrating perspective on the technology. There's much to learn from, think about, and build.

Lord of the Rings applies at two levels. At the change level, Middle Earth went through three ages. While listening to Luiz talk, it seems so has Google: Batch (indexes calculated every month), Warehouse (the datacenter is the computer), and Instant (make it all real-time). At the "what was forgot" level, in the Instant Age section of the talk,  a common theme was the challenge of making low latency systems on top of commodity systems. These are issues very common in the real-time area and it struck me that these were the things that should not have been forgotten.

What is completely new, however, is the combining of Warehouse + Instant, and that's where the opportunities and the future is to be found- the Fourth Age.

The First Age - The Age of Batch

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Google Strategy: Tree Distribution of Requests and Responses

If a large number of leaf node machines send requests to a central root node then that root node can become overwhelmed:

  • The CPU becomes a bottleneck, for either processing requests or sending replies, because it can't possibly deal with the flood of requests.
  • The network interface becomes a bottleneck because a wide fan-in causes TCP drops and retransmissions, which causes latency. Then clients start retrying requests which quickly causes a spiral of death in an undisciplined system.

One solution to this problem is a strategy given by Dr. Jeff Dean, Head of Google's School of Infrastructure Wizardry, in this Stanford video presentation: Tree Distribution of Requests and Responses.

Instead of having a root node connected to leaves in a flat topology, the idea is to create a tree of nodes. So a root node talks to a number of parent nodes and the parent nodes talk to a number of leaf nodes. Requests are pushed down the tree through the parents and only hit a subset of the leaf nodes.

With this solution:

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Google Pro Tip: Use Back-of-the-envelope-calculations to Choose the Best Design

How do you know which is the "best" design for a given problem? If, for example, you were given the problem of generating an image search results page of 30 thumbnails, would you load images sequentially? In parallel? Would you cache? How would you decide?

If you could harness the power of the multiverse you could try every possible option in the design space and see which worked best. But that's crazy impractical, isn't it?

Another option is to consider the order of various algorithm alternatives. As a prophet for the Golden Age of Computational Thinking, Google would definitely do this, but what else might Google do?

Use Back-of-the-envelope Calculations to Evaluate Different Designs

Jeff Dean, Head of Google's School of Infrastructure Wizardry—instrumental in many of Google's key systems: ad serving, BigTable; search, MapReduce, ProtocolBuffers—advocates evaluating different designs using back-of-the-envelope calculations.

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Google Megastore - 3 Billion Writes and 20 Billion Read Transactions Daily

A giant step into the fully distributed future has been taken by the Google App Engine team with the release of their High Replication Datastore. The HRD is targeted at mission critical applications that require data replicated to at least three datacenters, full ACID semantics for entity groups, and lower consistency guarantees across entity groups.

This is a major accomplishment. Few organizations can implement a true multi-datacenter datastore. Other than SimpleDB, how many other publicly accessible database services can operate out of multiple datacenters? Now that capability can be had by anyone. But there is a price, literally and otherwise. Because the HRD uses three times the resources as Google App Engine's Master/Slave datastatore, it will cost three times as much. And because it is a distributed database, with all that implies in the CAP sense, developers will have to be very careful in how they architect their applications because as costs increased, reliability increased, complexity has increased, and performance has decreased. This is why HRD is targeted ay mission critical applications, you gotta want it, otherwise the Master/Slave datastore makes a lot more sense.

The technical details behind the HRD are described in this paper, Megastore: Providing Scalable, Highly Available Storage for Interactive Services. This is a wonderfully written and accessible paper, chocked full of useful and interesting details. James Hamilton wrote an excellent summary of the paper in Google Megastore: The Data Engine Behind GAE. There are also a few useful threads in Google Groups that go into some more details about how it works, costs, and performance (the original announcement, performance comparison).

Some Megastore highlights:

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Google Paper: Large-scale Incremental Processing Using Distributed Transactions and Notifications

This paper, Large-scale Incremental Processing Using Distributed Transactions and Notifications by Daniel Peng and Frank Dabek, is Google's much anticipated description of Percolator, their new real-time indexing system.

The abstract:

Updating an index of the web as documents are crawled requires continuously transforming a large repository of existing documents as new documents arrive. This task is one example of a class of data processing tasks that transform a large repository of data via small, independent mutations. These tasks lie in a gap between the capabilities of existing infrastructure. Databases do not meet the storage or throughput requirements of these tasks: Google’s indexing system stores tens of petabytes of data and processes billions of updates per day on thousands of machines. MapReduce and other batch-processing systems cannot process small updates individually as they rely on creating large batches for efficiency.


We have built Percolator, a system for incrementally processing updates to a large data set, and deployed it to create the Google web search index. By replacing a batch-based indexing system with an indexing system based on incremental processing using Percolator, we process the same number of documents per day, while reducing the average age of documents in Google search results by 50%.