Entries in Paper (127)


Snuggling Up to Papers We Love - What's Your Favorite Paper?

From a talk by @aysylu22 at QCon London on modern computer science applied to distributed systems in practice.



There has been a renaissance in the appreciation of computer science papers as a relevant source of wisdom for building today's complex systems. If you're having a problem there's likely some obscure paper written by a researcher twenty years ago that just might help. Which isn't to say there aren't problems with papers, but there's no doubt much of the technology we take for granted today had its start in a research paper. If you want to push the edge it helps to learn from primary research that has helped define the edge.

If you would like to share your love of papers, be proud, you are not alone:

What's Your Favorite Paper? 

If you ask your average person they'll have a favorite movie, book, song, or Marvel Universe character, but it's unlikely they'll have have a favorite paper. If you've made it this far that's probably not you.

My favorite paper of all time is without a doubt SEDA: An Architecture for Well-Conditioned, Scalable Internet Services. After programming real-time distributed systems for a long time I was looking to solve a complex work scheduling problem in a resource constrained embedded system. I stumbled upon this paper and it blew my mind. While I determined that the task scheduling latency of SEDA wouldn't be appropriate for my problem, the paper gave me a whole new way to look out how programs were structured and I used those insights on many later projects.

If you have another source of papers or a favorite paper please feel free to share.

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Google's Transition from Single Datacenter, to Failover, to a Native Multihomed Architecture


Making a system work in one datacenter is hard. Now imagine you move to two datacenters. Now imagine you need to support multiple geographically distributed datacenters. That’s the journey described in another excellent and thought provoking paper from Google: High-Availability at Massive Scale: Building Google’s Data Infrastructure for Ads.

The main idea of the paper is that the typical failover architecture used when moving from a single datacenter to multiple datacenters doesn’t work well in practice. What does work, where work means using fewer resources while providing high availability and consistency, is a natively multihomed architecture:

Our current approach is to build natively multihomed systems. Such systems run hot in multiple datacenters all the time, and adaptively move load between datacenters, with the ability to handle outages of any scale completely transparently. Additionally, planned datacenter outages and maintenance events are completely transparent, causing minimal disruption to the operational systems. In the past, such events required labor-intensive efforts to move operational systems from one datacenter to another

The use of “multihoming” in this context may be confusing because multihoming usually refers to a computer connected to more than one network. At Google scale perhaps it’s just as natural to talk about connecting to multiple datacenters.

Google has built several multi-homed systems to guarantee high availability (4 to 5 nines) and consistency in the presence of datacenter level outages: F1 / Spanner: Relational Database; Photon: Joining Continuous Data StreamsMesa: Data Warehousing. The approach taken by each of these systems is discussed in the paper, as are the many challenges is building a multi-homed system: Synchronous Global State; What to Checkpoint; Repeatable Input; Exactly Once Output.

The huge constraint here is having availability and consistency. This highlights the refreshing and continued emphasis Google puts on making even these complex systems easy for programmers to use:

The simplicity of a multi-homed system is particularly valuable for users. Without multi-homing, failover, recovery, and dealing with inconsistency are all application problems. With multi-homing, these hard problems are solved by the infrastructure, so the application developer gets high availability and consistency for free and can focus instead on building their application.

The biggest surprise in the paper was the idea that a multihomed system can actually take far fewer resources than a failover system:

In a multi-homed system deployed in three datacenters with 20% total catchup capacity, the total resource footprint is 170% of steady state. This is dramatically less than the 300% required in the failover design above

What’s Wrong With Failover?

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Paper: Heracles: Improving Resource Efficiency at Scale

Underutilization and segregation are the classic strategies for ensuring resources are available when work absolutely must get done. Keep a database on its own server so when the load spikes another VM or high priority thread can't interfere with RAM, power, disk, or CPU access. And when you really need fast and reliable networking you can't rely on QOS, you keep a dedicated line.

Google flips the script in Heracles: Improving Resource Efficiency at Scale, shooting for high resource utilization while combining different load profiles.

I'm assuming the project name Heracles was chosen not simply for his legendary strength, but because when strength failed, Heracles could always depend on his wits. Who can ever forget when Heracles tricked Atlas into taking the sky back onto his shoulders? Good times.

The problem: better utilization of compute resources while complying  service level objectives (SLOs) for latency-critical (LC) and best effort batch (BE) tasks: 

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Paper: FlashGraph: Processing Billion-Node Graphs on an Array of Commodity SSDs

It's amazing what you can accomplish these days on a single machine using SSDs and smart design. In the paper FlashGraph: Processing Billion-Node Graphs on an Array of Commodity SSDs they:

demonstrate that FlashGraph is able to process graphs with billions of vertices and hundreds of billions of edges on a single commodity machine.

The challenge is SSDs are a lot slower than RAM:

The throughput of SSDs are an order of magnitude less than DRAM and the I/O latency is multiple orders of magnitude slower. Also, I/O performance is extremely non-uniform and needs to be localized. Finally, high-speed I/O consumes many CPU cycles, interfering with graph processing.

Their solution exploits caching, parallelism, smart scheduling and smart placement algorithms:

We build FlashGraph on top of a user-space SSD file system called SAFS [32] to overcome these technical challenges. The set-associative file system (SAFS) refactors I/O scheduling, data placement, and data caching for the extreme parallelism of modern NUMA multiprocessors. The lightweight SAFS cache enables FlashGraph to adapt to graph applications with different cache hit rates. We integrate FlashGraph with the asynchronous user-task I/O interface of SAFS to reduce the overhead of accessing data in the page cache and memory consumption, as well as overlapping computation with I/O.

The result performs up to 80% of its in-memory implementation:

We observe that in many graph applications a large SSD array is capable of delivering enough I/Os to saturate the CPU. This suggests the importance of optimizing for CPU and RAM in such an I/O system. It also suggests that SSDs have been sufficiently fast to be an important extension for RAM when we build a machine for large-scale graph analysis applications.


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Paper: DNACloud: A Tool for Storing Big Data on DNA

"From the dawn of civilization until 2003, humankind generated five exabytes (1 exabytes = 1 billion gigabytes) of data. Now we produce five exabytes every two days and the pace is accelerating."

-- Eric Schmidt, Executive Chairman, Google, August 4, 2010. 


Where are we going to store the deluge of data everyone is warning us about? How about in a DNACloud that can store store 1 petabyte of information per gram of DNA?

Writing is a little slow. You have to convert your data file to a DNA description that is sent to a biotech company that will send you back a vile of synthetic DNA. Where do you store it? Your refrigerator.

Reading is a little slow too. The data can apparently be read with great accuracy, but to read it you have to sequence the DNA first, and that might take awhile.

The how of it is explained in DNACloud: A Tool for Storing Big Data on DNA (poster). Abstract:

The term Big Data is usually used to describe huge amount of data that is generated by humans from digital media such as cameras, internet, phones, sensors etc. By building advanced analytics on the top of big data, one can predict many things about the user such as behavior, interest etc. However before one can use the data, one has to address many issues for big data storage. Two main issues are the need of large storage devices and the cost associated with it. Synthetic DNA storage seems to be an appropriate solution to address these issues of the big data. Recently in 2013, Goldman and his collegues from European Bioinformatics Institute demonstrated the use of the DNA as storage medium with capacity of storing 1 peta byte of information on one gram of DNA and retrived the data successfully with low error rate [1]. This significant step shows a promise for synthetic DNA storage as a useful technology for the future data storage. Motivated by this, we have developed a software called DNACloud which makes it easy to store the data on the DNA. In this work, we present detailed description of the software.

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Paper: Large-scale cluster management at Google with Borg

Joe Beda (@jbeda): Borg paper is finally out. Lots of reasoning for why we made various decisions in #kubernetes. Very exciting.

The hints and allusions are over. We now have everything about Google's long rumored Borg project in one iconic Google style paper: Large-scale cluster management at Google with Borg.

When Google blew our minds by audaciously treating the Datacenter as a Computer it did not go unnoticed that by analogy there must be an operating system for that datacenter/computer.

Now we have the story behind a critical part of that OS:

Google's Borg system is a cluster manager that runs hundreds of thousands of jobs, from many thousands of different applications, across a number of clusters each with up to tens of thousands of machines.

It achieves high utilization by combining admission control, efficient task-packing, over-commitment, and machine sharing with process-level performance isolation. It supports high-availability applications with runtime features that minimize fault-recovery time, and scheduling policies that reduce the probability of correlated failures. Borg simplifies life for its users by offering a declarative job specification language, name service integration, real-time job monitoring, and tools to analyze and simulate system behavior.

We present a summary of the Borg system architecture and features, important design decisions, a quantitative analysis of some of its policy decisions, and a qualitative examination of lessons learned from a decade of operational experience with it.

Virtually all of Google’s cluster workloads have switched to use Borg over the past decade. We continue to evolve it, and have applied the lessons we learned from it to Kubernetes

The next version of Borg was called Omega and Omega is being rolled up into Kubernetes (steersman, helmsman, sailing master), which has been open sourced as part of Google's Cloud initiative.

Note how the world has changed. A decade ago when Google published their industry changing Big Table and Map Reduce papers they launched a thousand open source projects in response. Now we are not only seeing Google open source their software instead of others simply copying the ideas, the software has been released well in advance of the paper describing the software.

The future is still in balance. There's a huge fight going on for the future of what software will look like, how it is built, how it is distributed, and who makes the money. In the search business keeping software closed was a competitive advantage. In the age of AWS the only way to capture hearts and minds is by opening up your software. Interesting times.

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Paper: Staring into the Abyss: An Evaluation of Concurrency Control with One Thousand Cores

How will your OLTP database perform if it had to scale up to 1024 cores? Not very well according to this fascinating paper: Staring into the Abyss: An Evaluation of Concurrency Control with One Thousand Cores, where a few intrepid chaos monkeys report the results of their fiendish experiment. The conclusion: we need a completely redesigned DBMS architecture that is rebuilt from the ground up.


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Paper: Actor Model of Computation: Scalable Robust Information Systems

With Reactive Systems becoming the new old hotness, it will help to have a thorough grounding in the Actor Model. Here's a good start. Carl Hewitt in Actor Model of Computation: Scalable Robust Information Systems gives a very thorough and relatively concise explanation of the Actor model.

Here's the abstract.

The Actor model is a mathematical theory that treats "Actors" as the universal primitives of concurrent digital computation. The model has been used both as a framework for a theoretical understanding of concurrency, and as the theoretical basis for several practical implementations of concurrent systems. Unlike previous models of computation, the Actor model was inspired by physical laws. It was also influenced by the programming languages Lisp, Simula 67 and Smalltalk-72, as well as ideas for Petri Nets, capability-based systems and packet switching. The advent of massive concurrency through client-cloud computing and many-core computer architectures has galvanized interest in the Actor model.

Actor technology will see significant application for integrating all kinds of digital information for individuals, groups, and organizations so their information usefully links together. Information integration needs to make use of the following information system principles:
    * Persistence. Information is collected and indexed.
    * Concurrency: Work proceeds interactively and concurrently, overlapping in time.
    * Quasi-commutativity: Information can be used regardless of whether it initiates new work or become relevant to ongoing work.
    * Sponsorship: Sponsors provide resources for computation, i.e., processing, storage, and communications.
    * Pluralism: Information is heterogeneous, overlapping and often inconsistent.
    * Provenance: The provenance of information is carefully tracked and recorded

The Actor Model is intended to provide a foundation for inconsistency robust information integration.

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Tokutek White Paper: A Comparison of Log-Structured Merge (LSM) and Fractal Tree Indexing

What data structure does your database use? It's not something the typical database user spends much time pondering. Since data structure is destiny, what data structure your database uses is a key point to consider in your selection process.

We know CouchDB uses a modified B+ tree. We've learned a lot fascinating details over the years about the use of Log-structured merge-trees in Cassandra, HBase and LevelDB. So B+ trees and LSMs seem familiar by now.

What may not be so familiar is Tokutek's Fractal Tree Indexing technology that is supposed to be even better than B+ trees and LSMs.

As a comparison between Fractal Tree Indexing and LSMs, Bradley Kuszmaul, Chief Architect at Tokutek, has written a detailed paper, a must read for the algorithmically inclined or someone interested in database internals: A Comparison of Log-Structured Merge (LSM) and Fractal Tree Indexing.

Here's a quick intro to Fractal Tree (FT) indexes:

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Paper: ZooKeeper: Wait-free coordination for Internet-scale systems

In this paper, we describe ZooKeeper, a service for coordinating processes of distributed applications. Since ZooKeeper is part of critical infrastructure, ZooKeeper aims to provide a simple and high performance kernel for building more complex coordination primitives at the client. It incorporates elements from group messaging, shared registers, and distributed lock services in a replicated, centralized service. The interface exposed by Zoo-Keeper has the wait-free aspects of shared registers with an event-driven mechanism similar to cache invalidations of distributed file systems to provide a simple, yet powerful coordination service.


The ZooKeeper interface enables a high-performance service implementation. In addition to the wait-free property, ZooKeeper provides a per client guarantee of FIFO execution of requests and linearizability for all requests that change the ZooKeeper state. These design decisions enable the implementation of a high performance processing pipeline with read requests being satisfied byvlocal servers. We show for the target workloads, 2:1 to 100:1 read to write ratio, that ZooKeeper can handle tens to hundreds of thousands of transactions per second. This performance allows ZooKeeper to be used extensively by client applications.

ZooKeeper achieves throughput values of hundreds of thousands of operations per second for read-dominant workloads by using fast reads with watches, both of which served by local replicas. Although our consistency guarantees for reads and watches appear to be weak, we have shown with our use cases that this combination allows us to implement efficient and sophisticated coordination protocols at the client even though reads are not precedence-ordered and the implementation of data objects is wait-free. The wait-free property has proved to be essential for high performance.

Although we have described only a few applications, there are many others using ZooKeeper. We believe such a success is due to its simple interface and the powerful abstractions that one can implement through this interface. Further, because of the high-throughput of ZooKeeper, applications can make extensive use of it, not only course-grained locking.

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