Entries in Paper (127)


Paper: Paxos Made Moderately Complex

If you are a normal human being and find the Paxos protocol confusing, then this paper, Paxos Made Moderately Complex, is a great find. Robbert van Renesse from Cornell University has written a clear and well written paper with excellent explanations.

The Abstract:

For anybody who has ever tried to implement it, Paxos is by no means a simple protocol, even though it is based on relatively simple invariants. This paper provides imperative pseudo-code for the full Paxos (or Multi-Paxos) protocol without shying away from discussing various implementation details. The initial description avoids optimizations that complicate comprehension. Next we discuss liveness, and list various optimizations that make the protocol practical.

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Paper: Revisiting Network I/O APIs: The netmap Framework

Here's a really good article in the Communications of the ACM on reducing network packet processing overhead by redesigning the network stack: Revisiting Network I/O APIs: The Netmap Framework by Luigi Rizzo. As commodity networking performance increases operating systems need to keep up or all those CPUs will go to waste. How do they make this happen?



Today 10-gigabit interfaces are used more and more in datacenters and servers. On these links, packets flow as fast as one every 67.2 nanoseconds, yet modern operating systems can take 10-20 times longer just to move one packet between the wire and the application. We can do much better, not with more powerful hardware but by revising architectural decisions made long ago regarding the design of device drivers and network stacks.

The netmap framework is a promising step in this direction. Thanks to a careful design and the engineering of a new packet I/O API, netmap eliminates much unnecessary overhead and moves traffic up to 40 times faster than existing operating systems. Most importantly, netmap is largely compatible with existing applications, so it can be incrementally deployed.

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Ask For Forgiveness Programming - Or How We'll Program 1000 Cores

The argument for a massively multicore future is now familiar: while clock speeds have leveled off, device density is increasing, so the future is cheap chips with hundreds and thousands of cores. That’s the inexorable logic behind our multicore future.

The unsolved question that lurks deep in the dark part of a programmer’s mind is: how on earth are we to program these things? For problems that aren’t embarrassingly parallel, we really have no idea. IBM Research’s David Ungar has an idea. And it’s radical in the extreme...

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The Data-Scope Project - 6PB storage, 500GBytes/sec sequential IO, 20M IOPS, 130TFlops

Data is everywhere, never be at a single location. Not scalable, not maintainable.–Alex Szalay

While Galileo played life and death doctrinal games over the mysteries revealed by the telescope, another revolution went unnoticed, the microscope gave up mystery after mystery and nobody yet understood how subversive would be what it revealed. For the first time these new tools of perceptual augmentation allowed humans to peek behind the veil of appearance. A new new eye driving human invention and discovery for hundreds of years.

Data is another material that hides, revealing itself only when we look at different scales and investigate its underlying patterns. If the universe is truly made of information, then we are looking into truly primal stuff. A new eye is needed for Data and an ambitious project called Data-scope aims to be the lens.

A detailed paper on the Data-Scope tells more about what it is:

The Data-Scope is a new scientific instrument, capable of ‘observing’ immense volumes of data from various scientific domains such as astronomy, fluid mechanics, and bioinformatics. The system will have over 6PB of storage, about 500GBytes per sec aggregate sequential IO, about 20M IOPS, and about 130TFlops. The Data-Scope is not a traditional multi-user computing cluster, but a new kind of instrument, that enables people to do science with datasets ranging between 100TB and 1000TB.  There  is a vacuum today in data-intensive scientific computations, similar to the one that lead to the development of the BeoWulf cluster: an inexpensive yet efficient template for data intensive computing in academic environments based on commodity components. The proposed Data-Scope aims to fill this gap.

A very accessible interview by Nicole Hemsoth with Dr. Alexander Szalay, Data-Scope team lead, is available at The New Era of Computing: An Interview with "Dr. Data". Roberto Zicari also has a good interview with Dr. Szalay in Objects in Space vs. Friends in Facebook.

The paper is filled with lots of very specific recommendations on their hardware choices and architecture, so please read the paper for the deeper details. Many BigData operations have the same IO/scale/storage/processing issues Data-Scope is solving, so it’s well worth a look. Here are some of the highlights:

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Google Goes MoreSQL with Tenzing - SQL Over MapReduce 

MoreSQL is a cheeky idea Alex Tatiyants invented in NoSQL No More: Let’s double down with MoreSQL advocating that the cure for NoSQL is not less SQL, but even more SQL. Use SQL everywhere, for everything. This is of course creates yet another NewSQL. Hopefully we've exhausted all tasteful variants of the SQL motif. 

While the post is ironic (I think), Google may be into MoreSQL in a big way, as described in a well written and exceptionally detailed paper: Tenzing - A SQL Implementation On The MapReduce Framework. If you are looking for the secrets of how to get back to the good old days of joins and aggregate operators using a SQL syntax, while enjoying the scalability of NoSQL, this paper is a must read.


Tenzing is a query engine built on top of MapReduce for ad hoc analysis of Google data. Tenzing supports a mostly complete SQL implementation (with several extensions) combined with several key characteristics such as heterogeneity, high performance, scalability, reliability, metadata awareness, low latency, support for columnar storage and structured data, and easy extensibility. Tenzing is currently used internally at Google by 1000+ employees and serves 10000+ queries per day over 1.5 petabytes of compressed data. In this paper, we describe the architecture and implementation of Tenzing, and present benchmarks of typical analytical queries.


Is it time to get rid of the Linux OS model in the cloud?

You program in a dynamic language, that runs on a JVM, that runs on a OS designed 40 years ago for a completely different purpose, that runs on virtualized hardware. Does this make sense? We've talked about this idea before in Machine VM + Cloud API - Rewriting The Cloud From Scratch, where the vision is to treat cloud virtual hardware as a compiler target, and converting high-level language source code directly into kernels that run on it.

As new technologies evolve the friction created by our old tool chains and architecture models becomes ever more obvious. Take, for example, what a team at UCSD is releasing: a phase-change memory prototype  - a solid state storage device that provides performance thousands of times faster than a conventional hard drive and up to seven times faster than current state-of-the-art solid-state drives (SSDs). However, PCM has access latencies several times slower than DRAM.

This technology has obvious mind blowing implications, but an interesting not so obvious implication is what it says about our current standard datacenter stack. Gary Athens has written an excellent article, Revamping storage performance, spelling it all out in more detail:

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Paper: Feeding Frenzy: Selectively Materializing Users’ Event Feeds

How do you scale an inbox that has multiple highly volatile feeds? That's a problem faced by social networks like Tumblr, Facebook, and Twitter. Follow a few hundred event sources and it's hard to scalably order an inbox so that you see a correct view as event sources continually publish new events.

This can be considered like a view materialization problem in a database. In a database a view is a virtual table defined by a query that can be accessed like a table. Materialization refers to when the data behind the view is created. If a view is a join on several tables and that join is performed when the view is accessed, then performance will be slow. If the view is precomputed access to the view will be fast, but more resources are used, especially considering that the view may never be accessed.

Your wall/inbox/stream is a view on all the people/things you follow. If you never look at your inbox then materializing the view in your inbox is a waste of resources, yet you'll be mad if displaying your inbox takes forever because all your event streams must be read, sorted, and filtered. 

What's a smart way of handling the materialization problem? That's what is addressed in a very good paper on the subject, Feeding Frenzy: Selectively Materializing Users’ Event Feeds, from researchers at Yahoo!, who found:

The best policy is to decide whether to push or pull events on a per producer/consumer basis. This technique minimizes system cost both for workloads with a high query rate and those with a high event rate. It also exposes a knob, the push threshold, that we can tune to reduce latency in return for higher system cost.

I learned about this paper from Tumblr's Blake Matheny, in an interview with him for a forthcoming post. This is broadly how they handle the inbox problem at Tumblr. More details later.

Abstract from the paper:

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Paper: Don’t Settle for Eventual: Scalable Causal Consistency for Wide-Area Storage with COPS

Teams from Princeton and CMU are working together to solve one of the most difficult problems in the repertoire: scalable geo-distributed data stores. Major companies like Google and Facebook have been working on multiple datacenter database functionality for some time, but there's still a general lack of available systems that work for complex data scenarios.

The ideas in this paper--Don’t Settle for Eventual: Scalable Causal Consistency for Wide-Area Storage with COPS--are different. It's not another eventually consistent system, or a traditional transaction oriented system, or a replication based system, or a system that punts on the issue. It's something new, a causally consistent system that achieves ALPS system properties. Move over CAP, NoSQL, etc, we have another acronym: ALPS - Available (operations always complete successfully), Low-latency (operations complete quickly (single digit milliseconds)), Partition-tolerant (operates with a partition), and Scalable (just add more servers to add more capacity). ALPS is the recipe for an always-on data store: operations always complete, they are always successful, and they are always fast.

ALPS sounds great, but we want more, we want consistency guarantees as well. Fast and wrong is no way to go through life. Most current systems achieve low latency by avoiding synchronous operation across the WAN, directing reads and writes to a local datacenter, and then using eventual consistency to maintain order. Causal consistency promises another way.

Intrigued? Let's learn more about causal consistency and how it might help us build bigger and better distributed systems.

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Using Gossip Protocols for Failure Detection, Monitoring, Messaging and Other Good Things

When building a system on top of a set of wildly uncooperative and unruly computers you have knowledge problems: knowing when other nodes are dead; knowing when nodes become alive; getting information about other nodes so you can make local decisions, like knowing which node should handle a request based on a scheme for assigning nodes to a certain range of users; learning about new configuration data; agreeing on data values; and so on.

How do you solve these problems? 

A common centralized approach is to use a database and all nodes query it for information. Obvious availability and performance issues for large distributed clusters. Another approach is to use Paxos, a protocol for solving consensus in a network to maintain strict consistency requirements for small groups of unreliable processes. Not practical when larger number of nodes are involved.

So what's the super cool decentralized way to bring order to large clusters?

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Paper: G2 : A Graph Processing System for Diagnosing Distributed Systems

One of the problems in building distributed systems is figuring out what the heck is going on. Usually endless streams of log files are consulted like ancients using entrails to divine the will of the Gods.

To rise above these ancient practices we must rise another level of abstraction and that's the approach described in a Microsoft research paper: G2: A Graph Processing System for Diagnosing Distributed Systems, which uses execution graphs that model runtime events and their correlations in distributed systems.

The problem with these schemes is viewing applications, written by programmers in low level code, as execution graphs. But we're heading in this direction in any case. To program a warehouse or an internet sized computer we'll have to write at higher levels of abstraction so code can be executed transparently at runtime on these giant distributed computers. There are many advantages to this approach, fault diagnosis and performance monitoring are just one of the wins.

Abstract from the paper:

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