Entries in BigData (24)


Give Meaning to 100 Billion Events a Day — The Shift to Redshift

This is a guest post by Alban Perillat-Merceroz, from the Analytics team at Teads.

In part one, we described our Analytics data ingestion pipeline, with BigQuery sitting as our data warehouse. However, having our analytics events in BigQuery is not enough. Most importantly, data needs to be served to our end-users.

TL;DR — Teads Analytics big picture

In this article, we will detail:

  • Why we chose Redshift to store our data marts,
  • How it fits into our serving layer,
  • Key learnings and optimization tips to make the most out of it,
  • Orchestration workflows,
  • How our data visualization apps (Chartio, web apps) benefit from this data.

Data is in BigQuery, now what?

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The Story of Batching to Streaming Analytics at Optimizely

Our mission at Optimizely is to help decision makers turn data into action. This requires us to move data with speed and reliability. We track billions of user events, such as page views, clicks and custom events, on a daily basis. To provide our customers with immediate access to key business insights about their users has always been our top most priority. Because of this, we are constantly innovating on our data ingestion pipeline.

In this article we will introduce how we transformed our data ingestion pipeline from batching to streaming to provide our customers with real-time session metrics.


Unification. Previously, we maintained two data stores for different use cases - HBase is used for computing Experimentation metrics, whereas Druid is used for calculating Personalization results. These two systems were developed with distinctive requirements in mind:



Instant event ingestion

Delayed event ingestion ok

Query latency in seconds

Query latency in subseconds

Visitor level metrics

Session level metrics

As our business requirements evolve, however, things quickly became difficult to scale. Maintaining a Druid + HBase Lambda architecture (see below) to satisfy these business needs became a technical burden for the engineering team. We need a solution that reduces backend complexity and increases development productivity. More importantly, a unified counting infrastructure creates a generic platform for many of our future product needs.

Consistency. As mentioned above, the two counting infrastructures provide different metrics and computational guarantees. For example, Experimentation results show you the number of visitors visited your landing page whereas Personalization shows you the number of sessions instead. We want to bring consistent metrics to our customers and support both type of statistics across our products.

Real-time results. Our session based results are computed using MR jobs, which can be delayed up to hours after the events are received. A real-time solution will provide our customers with more up-to-date view of their data.

Druid + HBase

In our earlier posts, we introduced our backend ingestion pipeline and how we use Druid and MR to store transactional stats based on user sessions. One biggest benefit we get from Druid is the low latency results at query time. However, it does come with its own set of drawbacks. For example, since segment files are immutable, it is impossible to incrementally update the indexes. As a result, we are forced to reprocess user events within a given time window if we need to fix certain data issues such as out of order events. In addition, we had difficulty scaling the number of dimensions and dimension cardinality, and queries expanding long period of time became expensive.

On the other hand, we also use HBase for our visitor based computation. We write each event into an HBase cell, which gave us maximum flexibility in terms of supporting the kind of queries we can run. When a customer needs to find out “how many unique visitors have triggered an add-to-cart conversion”, for example, we do a scan over the range of dataset for that experimentation. Since events are pushed into HBase (through Kafka) near real-time, data generally reflect the current state of the world. However, our current table schema does not aggregate any metadata associated with each event. These metadata include generic set of information such as browser types and geolocation details, as well as customer specific tags used for customized data segmentation. The redundancy of these data prevents us from supporting large number of custom segmentations, as it increases our storage cost and query scan time.


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How to Remove Duplicates in a Large Dataset Reducing Memory Requirements by 99%

This is a guest repost by Suresh Kondamudi from CleverTap.

Dealing with large datasets is often daunting. With limited computing resources, particularly memory, it can be challenging to perform even basic tasks like counting distinct elements, membership check, filtering duplicate elements, finding minimum, maximum, top-n elements, or set operations like union, intersection, similarity and so on

Probabilistic Data Structures to the Rescue

Probabilistic data structures can come in pretty handy in these cases, in that they dramatically reduce memory requirements, while still providing acceptable accuracy. Moreover, you get time efficiencies, as lookups (and adds) rely on multiple independent hash functions, which can be parallelized. We use structures like Bloom filtersMinHashCount-min sketchHyperLogLog extensively to solve a variety of problems. One fairly straightforward example is presented below.

The Problem

We at CleverTap manage mobile push notifications for our customers, and one of the things we need to guard against is sending multiple notifications to the same user for the same campaign. Push notifications are routed to individual devices/users based on push notification tokens generated by the mobile platforms. Because of their size (anywhere from 32b to 4kb), it’s non-performant for us to index push tokens or use them as the primary user key.

On certain mobile platforms, when a user uninstalls and subsequently re-installs the same app, we lose our primary user key and create a new user profile for that device. Typically, in that case, the mobile platform will generate a new push notification token for that user on the reinstall. However, that is not always guaranteed. So, in a small number of cases we can end up with multiple user records in our system having the same push notification token.

As a result, to prevent sending multiple notifications to the same user for the same campaign, we need to filter for a relatively small number of duplicate push tokens from a total dataset that runs from hundreds of millions to billions of records. To give you a sense of proportion, the memory required to filter just 100 Million push tokens is 100M * 256 = 25 GB!

The Solution – Bloom filter

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Leveraging AWS to Build a Scalable Data Pipeline

While at Netflix and LinkedIn Siddharth "Sid" Anand wrote some great articles for HS. Sid is back, this time as a Data Architect at Agari. Original article is here.

Data-rich companies (e.g. LinkedIn, Facebook, Google, and Twitter) have historically built custom data pipelines over bare metal in custom-designed data centers. In order to meet strict requirements on data security, fault-tolerance, cost control, job scalability, and uptime, they need to closely manage their core technology. Like serving systems (e.g. web application servers and OLTP databases) that need to be up 24x7 to display content to users the world over, data pipelines need to be up and running in order to pick the most engaging and up-to-date content to display. In other words, updated ranking models, new content recommendations, and the like are what make data pipelines an integral part of an end user’s web experience by picking engaging, personalized content. 

Agari, a data-driven email security company, is no different in its demand for a low-latency, reliable, and scalable data pipeline.  It must process a flood of inbound email and email authentication metrics, analyze this data in a timely manner, often enriching it with 3rd party data and model-driven derived data, and publish findings. One twist is that Agari, unlike the companies listed above, operates completely in the cloud, specifically in AWS.  This has turned out to be more a boon than a disadvantage. 

Below is one such data pipeline used at Agari.

Agari Data Pipeline

Data Flow

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The Big Problem is Medium Data

This is a guest post by Matt Hunt, who leads open source projects for Bloomberg LP R&D. 

“Big Data” systems continue to attract substantial funding, attention, and excitement. As with many new technologies, they are neither a panacea, nor even a good fit for many common uses. Yet they also hold great promise. The question is, can systems originally designed to serve hundreds of millions of requests for something like web pages also work for requests that are computationally expensive and have tight tolerances?

Modern era big data technologies are a solution to an economics problem faced by Google and other Internet giants a decade ago. Storing, indexing, and responding to searches against all web pages required tremendous amounts of disk space and computer power. Very powerful machines, fast SAN storage, and data center space were prohibitively expensive. The solution was to pack cheap commodity machines as tightly together as possible with local disks.

This addressed the space and hardware cost problem, but introduced a software challenge. Writing distributed code is hard, and with many machines comes many failures. So a framework was also required to take care of such problems automatically for the system to be viable.


Right now, we’re in a transition phase in the industry in computing built from the entrance of Hadoop and its community starting in 2004. Understanding why and how these systems were created also offers insight into some of their weaknesses.  

At Bloomberg that we don’t have a big data problem. What we have is a “medium data” problem -- and so does everyone else.   Systems such as Hadoop and Spark are less efficient and mature for these typical low latency enterprise uses in general. High core counts, SSDs, and large RAM footprints are common today - but many of the commodity platforms have yet to take full advantage of them, and challenges remain.  A number of distributed components are further hampered by Java, which creates its own complications for low latency performance.

A practical use case

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Using SSD as a Foundation for New Generations of Flash Databases - Nati Shalom

“You just can't have it all” is a phrase that most of us are accustomed to hearing and that many still believe to be true when discussing the speed, scale and cost of processing data. To reach high speed data processing, it is necessary to utilize more memory resources which increases cost. This occurs because price increases as memory, on average, tends to be more expensive than commodity disk drive. The idea of data systems being unable to reliably provide you with both memory and fast access—not to mention at the right cost—has long been debated, though the idea of such limitations was cemented by computer scientist, Eric Brewer, who introduced us to the CAP theorem.

The CAP Theorem and Limitations for Distributed Computer Systems

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Why does data need to have sex?

Data needs the ability to combine with other data in new ways to reach maximum value. So data needs to have the equivalent of sex.

That's why I used sex in the title of my previous article, Data Doesn't Need To Be Free, But It Does Need To Have Sex. So it wasn't some sort of click-bait title as some have suggested.

Sex is nature's way of bringing different data sets together, that is our genome, and creating something new that has a chance to survive and thrive in changing environments.

Currently data is cloistered behind Walled Gardens and thus has far less value than it could have. How do we coax data from behind these walls? With money. So that's where the bit about "data doesn't need to be free" comes from. How do we make money? Through markets. What do we have as a product to bring to market? Data. What do services need to keep producing data as a product? Money.

So it's a virtuous circle. Services generate data from their relationship with users. That data can be sold for the money services need to make a profit. Profit keeps the service that users like running. A running service  produces even more data to continue the cycle.

Why do we even care about data having a sex?

Historically one lens we can use to look at the world is to see everything in terms of how resources have been exploited over the ages. We can see the entire human diaspora as largely being determined by the search for and exploitation of different resource reservoirs.

We live near the sea for trade and access to fisheries. Early on we lived next to rivers for water, for food, for transportation, and later for power. People move to where there is lumber to harvest, gold to mine, coal to mine, iron to mine, land to grow food, steel to process, and so on. Then we build roads, rail roads, canals and ports to connect resource reservoirs to consumers.

In Nova Scotia, where I've been on vacation, a common pattern was for England and France to fight each other over land and resources. In the process they would build forts, import soldiers, build infrastructure, and make it relatively safe to trade. These forts became towns which then became economic hubs. We see these places as large cities now, like Halifax Nova Scotia, but it's the resources that came first.

When you visit coves along the coast of Nova Scotia they may tell you with interpretive signage, spaced out along a boardwalk, about the boom and bust cycles of different fish stocks as they were discovered, exploited, and eventually fished out.

In the early days in Nova Scotia great fortunes were made on cod. Then when cod was all fished out other resource reservoirs like sardines, halibut, and lobster were exploited. Atlantic salmon was over fished. Production moved to the Pacific where salmon was once again over fished. Now a big product is scallops and what were once trash fish, like redfish, is now the next big thing because that's what's left.

During these cycles great fortunes were made. But when a resource runs out people move on and find another. And when that runs out people move on and keep moving on until they find a place to make make living.

Places associated with old used up resources often just fade away. Ghosts of the original economic energy that created them. As a tourist I've noticed what is mined now as a resource is the history of the people and places that were created in the process of exploiting previous resources. We call it tourism.

Data is a resource reservoir like all the other resource reservoirs we've talked about, but data is not being treated like a resource. It's as if forts and boats and fishermen all congregated to catch cod, but then didn't sell the cod on an open market. If that were the case limited wealth would have been generated, but because all these goods went to market as part of a vast value chain, a decent living was made by a great many people.

If we can see data as a resource reservoir, as natural resources run out, we'll be able to switch to unnatural resources to continue the great cycle of resource exploitation.

Will this work? I don't know. It's just a thought that seems worth exploring.


Data Doesn't Need to Be Free, But it Does Need to Have Sex 

How do we pay for the services we want to create and use? That is the question. Systems like Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and all the other services you love are not cheap to build at scale. Grow now and figure out your business model later as the VC funding disappears, like hope, is not a sustainable strategy. If we want new services that stick around we are going to have to figure out a way for them to make money.

I’m going to argue here that a business model that could make money for software companies, while benefiting users, is creating an open market for data. Yes, your data. For sale. On an open market. For anyone to buy. Privacy is dead. Isn’t it time we leverage the death of privacy for our own gain?

The idea is to create an ecosystem around the production, consumption, and exploitation of data so that all the players can get the energy they need to live and prosper.

The proposed model:

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Big, Small, Hot or Cold - Examples of Robust Data Pipelines from Stripe, Tapad, Etsy and Square

This is a guest repost by Pete Soderling, Founder at Hakka Labs, creating a community where software engineers come to grow.

In response to a recent post from MongoHQ entitled “You don’t have big data," I would generally agree with many of the author’s points.

However, regardless of whether you call it big data, small data, hot data or cold data - we are all in a position to admit that *more* data is here to stay - and that’s due to many different factors.

Perhaps primarily, as the article mentions, this is due to the decreasing cost of storage over time. Other factors include access to open APIs, the sheer volume of ever-increasing consumer activity online, as well as a plethora of other incentives that are developing (mostly) behind the scenes as companies “share” data with each other. (You know they do this, right?)

But one of the most important things I’ve learned over the past couple of years is that it’s crucial for forward thinking companies to start to design more robust data pipelines in order to collect, aggregate and process their ever-increasing volumes of data. The main reason for this is to be able to tee up the data in a consistent way for the seemingly-magical quant-like operations that infer relationships between the data that would have otherwise surely gone unnoticed - ingeniously described in the referenced article as correctly “determining the nature of needles from a needle-stack.”

But this raises the question - what are the characteristics of a well-designed data pipeline? Can’t you just throw all your data in Hadoop and call it a day?

As many engineers are discovering - the answer is a resounding "no!" We've rounded up four examples from smart engineers at Stripe, Tapad, Etsy & Square that show aspects of some real-world data pipelines you'll actually see in the wild.

How does Stripe do it?

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Ask HS: Design and Implementation of scalable services?

We have written agents deployed/distributed across the network. Agents sends data every 15 Secs may be even 5 secs. Working on a service/system to which all agent can post data/tuples with marginal payload. Upto 5% drop rate is acceptable. Ultimately the data will be segregated and stored into DBMS System (currently we are using MSQL).

Question(s) I am looking for answer

1. Client/Server Communication: Agent(s) can post data. Status of sending data is not that important. But there is a remote where Agent(s) to be notified if the server side system generates an event based on the data sent.

- Lot of advices from internet suggests using Message Bus (ActiveMQ) for async communication. Multicast and UDP are the alternatives.

2. Persistence: After some evaluation data to be stored in DBMS System.

- End of processing data is an aggregated record for which MySql looks scalable. But on the volume of data is exponential. Considering HBase as an option.

Looking if there are any alternatives for above two scenarios and get expert advice.